Good Luck

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

Profanity/Offensive language

As Y/N re-entered the classroom, she was greeted by Ochako and Mina.

"Hey, you okay?" Mina asked as she had a worried expression on her pink complexion.

"Yeah, I just didn't get enough sleep last night." She was tired of lying at this point. How long until I can stop lying and just tell them the truth? Maybe when my parents die. That's not a bad idea. But I'm too weak to do that. If I was strong, I would've been the top person in my class. Either way, they would shame me for not fighting back hard enough and for letting it happen.

"L/N?" Ochako said worriedly. Y/N blinked herself out of her thoughts and apologized to the two girls in front of her.

"Sorry, I just zoned out for a second." The two girls waved it off as she could feel Katsuki's gaze at her back intensify.

"Oh, okay. We were asking you if you wanted to hang out with us after school. We're going to Momo's house and playing some games. We might sleep over too." Y/N bit her inner bottom lip, feeling the healing bites from previous moments. She really should stop biting her lip as a habit.

"Maybe... I don't know if my parents would let me. If we have homework tonight, I probably can't go." Truth is, the young girl would love to go. But her parents would be on her ass if she didn't do her homework. Even though she's one of the top people in her class, her parents want her to be the top in her class. 

Ochako and Mina side-glanced at each other. "Yeah, we probably do," Mina mumbled.

Ochako nodded. "I asked Mr. Aizawa and he said we do. A lot of it too." Mina nudged her a little too hard. She gave Ochako an "Are you serious?" expression. Great, now the chances of her coming over are lower. All they wanted to do for her was give her a relaxer, they realized how stressed the girl was, not to mention, a perfectionist.

"Oh... then I don't think I'm going to make it tonight. Sorry gi-"

"Wait!" Mina interrupted.

"What if we all do our homework together? It can be like a study hall. And afterward, we can play games and hang out." Y/N looked like she was considering it, and the corners of Mina's mouth curved up slightly.

"And maybe you can tell your parents that it's just a study hall. It's a partial truth, so you wouldn't be fully lying to them." Y/N bit at her lip again. If her parents found out the truth, they would seriously kill her. Would it even be worth it?

Ochako and Mina looked at each other while the girl was in thought. They sadly nodded towards each other. "Hey, it's okay if you don't wanna go, you know. You could just stay home and relax." No, no, no. I don't want to stay home. But I don't deserve to go socialize. Y/N quickly shook her head.

"It's still worth a shot. I'll ask them." The girls in front of her smiled at each other as she took out her old phone. It was maybe 10 years old, being a hand-me-down from her sister, who's now studying abroad in America. She texted her parents, to which she quickly got a response.

: Sure, you can study with your class. We'll drop some clothes off for you. But don't go out being a slut.

Y/N's stomach churned as her friends peeked over her shoulder, though they only saw the first part.

"They said that I could go, luckily." She smiled as her friends hugged her. Mr. Aizawa walked, more like crawling in his sleeping bag, into the room, stopping everyone from talking as they all went to their seats.

Abused Y/N x Katsuki BakugoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora