Against the Canteen Wall

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I dare you.

That's alway the start.

Leaning against the stained concrete

Scratched by clawing, clawing, clawing

For food. They dream, for waiting, waiting

Hurts as much plunging into the pan


Far in front of the line, there he is

Rubbing salt into the wound

Grinning, gesturing, saying:


Idiot. But they still stand, sot-

"I dare you."

They give in.

Their plan.

You see it

You feel it

A pressure on your side

And then falling



Being just another accomplice in a line

Being just another perpetrator to the crime

And a roar.

The stove simmers hotter

As one stands up straight and flat

A plate waiting to fall


Push back.

Be the dam to the flood

Be the clot to the blood-

And a roar.

Into the naughty line, for fighting

Fighting against the falling

Fighting against the her expectations

To taste of spices. Do not thaw

Do not thaw, do not hunger for true justice

Do not dream of a world of sweets

Do not dream of a fair playground

Where judging the judges is obsolete

There is no excuse for fighting.

When it is on salt and pepper built

There is no excuse for alibis

They just confirm your guilt.

I dare you.

That's always the start

Of the end.


A/N: Lots of food imagery. Argh.

Thankfully Hari Raya is just around the corner.

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