Chapter 1 : On the train- Getting our keys

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'Me and Canada are on our way towards  our new boarding school- will be good. I did hear one of my parents say it was more- well huge then normal, since it is- a boarding school after all. Me and Canadeia looked quite diffrent from eachother. He wore sircular glasses without frames, had brown hair. he wore a light chocolate t-shirt that had a neck collar with black jeans & watch. his hair was a bit messy tho, while i wore a dark black glasses well you can't see my eyes then. . I had dirty blonde  hair, "father" had said to me once that i looked like my biological mother.. my biological father was unknown to me. My hair looked a bit messier then usual.. the clothes i wore were the colour black, tanktop and i also wore a sweater which was halfly worn. (If you know, you know.) the sweater was the colour white, with a pin on it, the pin had few stars and a word writen 'FIFTY!'  on it. I also wear a necklace that belonged to my biological mother, Native America. It was a saphire, i kept it to myself since it is the only thing i have that belonged to my mother. I had never told my parents about this treasure (To america) . I didn't remember a lot about her, since i was 6 at the time...-'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "Alfred! Alfred! we're here!" 'Ah,  i got cutted by Canadeia..' "Alright then, let's get our luggages from the bottom part of the train then." 'Canadeia is still an inmatured person, even tho, he is technically 14 years old, but who cares..' 'We walked towards the bottom area of the train and pulled our luggages out. The school seemed- decent. we walked in and... Noisy. A few lockers, geez countries here are quite noisy and not out of their childhood yet.' "Canadeia, we should find the headmistress office, we have to get our keys and schedule still."  "But i wanna explore!" "We could get lost Canadeia!" "Ugh fine, let's just follow the sign that says "Headmistress's office" ." "Good." 'We walked down the lousy hall, WITH our luggages...' 'Ah, the headmistress's office is not that far i guess, since we've arrivd at the area.'  KNOCK KNOCK 'We heard a muffled "Come in!" as we went inside.'  "Hello, new here? Yes?" "Mhm, may we sit?" "Yes, yes you may." 'We sat in  the chairs infront of the headmistress's desk' "Can we get our keys to me and my brothers dorm and locker?" 'I asked.' "Ofcourse, i'll get it for you!" "I'll get you a student to tour you around the boarding school." "Ah, alright..." 'We saw a mini microphone near her desk, i'm guessing that she will call the student through the speakers.'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "José Hernández Martinez!  (Mexico) please report towards the headmistress's office please!" 'Ah, looks like we found the country.' A few minutes later. .  KNOCK KNOCK! It was quite a loud knock. "Come in." "I'm quite sorry, i was a bit late headmistress! I was in the west part!" (Note: The headmistress's office were at the north part of the boarding school.)  "That is alright José, i asked you to be here because you'll be their guide around the school if you please." "Alright Mrs.." "Thank you José." 'I standed up and pulled me and Canadeia's luggage.Canadeia followed behind me.' "Hello there- José right?" 'I began with.' "Yes, i'm José.. you are?" "Alfred, but i like America more, and this is Canadeia, his Country name is Canada." "Hi there!" 'Canadeia said to José....'  "Hello! My names José, but you can call me Mexico if youl'd like." "Alright then Mexico! we should probably go to the dormitories first since we have to place me and Canadeia's luggages first." 'Oh, lets go then!" 'We walked- walked well duh. We wen out of the school and went to the west, i'm guessing the dormitories are there.' 

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