chapter six

477 44 85

a promise not kept

"that was so much fun!" leah exclaims as you all exit the stage, breathing heavily, but feeling pumped full of adrenaline. your group had just finished their first ever performance, showing off your debut song "under the bridge". the song has a mysterious concept, so your stage outfits were different variations of pretty cropped suits with round glasses paired with a trenchcoat dance break moment. it was super cute, and fun, and you had a blast.

your group had already gained a decent amount of popularity before the performance, but you never expected to see a few people in the crowd with signs of your name, cheering loudly any time one of your parts came up. you were on cloud nine, truly nothing could bring you down.


but someone could.

and of course, you ran smack into him backstage. your eyes widened comically upon seeing him, he too was frozen, not expecting to see you. hell, he didn't even know you debuted. he felt guilty for not keeping up with you the moment he saw you with a microphone and a cute outfit. but then he felt proud. his proud smile was gone just as quickly as it came as you abruptly turned around, all but running away from him.

"wait!" he called out, telling his members that he'd be right back as he chased after you down the hall. you knew he was following you, and you desperately wished he wasn't. everything was going so well, why did he have to show up? "wait, please!" he calls out again, but you continue on, turning the corner and stuffing yourself into the nearest room. unfortunately for you, hyunjin saw, and he followed in immediately after, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"what do you want?" your tone was cold, but you couldn't help it. all of the emotions that you had worked so hard to put away came rushing back the moment your eyes met his, and you didn't have time for this.

"i-i didn't know you debuted..." a stupid start, he knew, but he didn't know what else to say. you scoff.

"how would you? not like you've spoken a word to me since you left."

"about that— i-"

"yeah, you got too busy getting with other trainee's i know." you hated that it was also a subtle jab towards jiyoung, who you have grown to love throughout this last month with her. she was amazing, and you had no bad blood towards her. hyunjin on the other hand...

"what? no i... it was just once!" he defends himself.

"i don't care. not like it effects me." a lie. it effected you greatly. and you thought you had moved on.

"you're... you look great." he had to change the subject, the last thing he wanted to talk about with you was his mindless hookups in his early trainee days. they were stupid. he was just so stressed, and he had nothing to relieve the stress except... well...

"can you move? i have to get back with my group."

"but we... it's been a while." he shakes his head.

"if i'm being honest i have no interest in catching up, hyunjin. i have to go." you roll your eyes, deciding to just push past him. his jaw drops as he watches you leave, feeling absolutely dumbfounded. this was not how he had pictured your reunion. he pictured you crawling right back into his arms, as if no time had been lost. he wanted to pick up right where he left off.

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