xS2 Chapter 10 - Surviving The Seniors (3)

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Author's Note ~ two of my friends actually helped with coming up with ideas for the Bernard & Ronnie section of this chapter. Thanks for the help.


"I hope you don't mind if I blow off some steam real quick, would ya?" Sammy remarks as she undoes her ponytail and then wipes the blood off her chin.

Trisha, Victor, and the other seniors feel a shift in the air as a twisted smile grows wider on Sammy's face.

"Y-you crazy bitch!" A senior yells as she tries to run.

"Hey," Sammy says as she pounces on the senior, sending them to the ground, "Where do you think you're going?"

The senior tries to escape from her grasp but Sammy's grip is surprisingly strong. Sammy whispers into the senior's ear, "Choose a finger."

"Ring, Wh-why?!" the senior asks.

"Because that's the finger I'll be breaking," Sammy remarks as she goes to do just that,

However before she can do so, Victor Dunnerman punches her off of the other senior. Every other person quickly leaves the gym except for a frightened Trisha, confident Victor, confused Christopher, unconscious Randy, & an eager Sammy.

"Y-you gonna beat that girl up, r-right?" Trisha questions.

"Don't worry," Victor says as he looks back to Trisha, "I'm the best basketball player this school's ever seen, there's no way I'm gonna lose to some girl-"

Though he was never able to finish that sentence due to Sammy managing to deliver a kick to the man's head. Sammy opens her palm and starts to use her long nails to begin scratching at Victor.

As Victor lifts up his arms to guard Sammy, he thinks to himself how her attacks are sloppy, irregular, and primal. She mixes quicker weak attacks with powerful slow ones better than most and does so without properly thinking of it. The only thing on her mind was exerting the burning emotions out of her.

"C'mon, why don't you fight back?" Sammy remarks as she delivers a calf kick into Victor, "I've done my fair share of fighting back in Seastar!"

"Alright, you asked for it!" Victor roars as he starts to swing at Sammy, though Sammy keeps on dodging his attacks.

As the two fight, Christopher stands there in shock. Ever since he was little, he always thought to himself how fighting would never solve anything in his life. Thanks to his dad, he was able to experience firsthand just how horrid taking out your aggression on others can be.

So he swore that he'd never fight, to never throw a fist. He'd be able to stop all of his problems through compassion. And a part of him still thinks he can, but when Victor and the other members of the basketball team noticed that, they saw him as someone able to be picked on.

Alex would try to stop them but Christopher didn't mind the team's hazing, he's experienced worse for far longer. But after seeing Victor's aggression and anger turn to others, turn to his friends. Something inside of Christopher started to swell up.

Something he hadn't purely felt before.


"You better stop dodging!" Victor yells as he swings his fist at Sammy.

"Why not! I like this game of cat-&-mou-," Sammy begins to say before realizing that was a feint attack and Victor's real attack is his other fist which is careening right toward her face.

She can't dodge the attack in time so she decides to lean right into it to get hit.

Except the fist never lands on Sammy. Because Christopher Wrinkle caught it.

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