xChapter 35 - The East Side (2)

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Marcus looks up at the stage in the MSA Winter Gala to see the person who just attacked Ronald Sampson being none other than his new neighbor.

"Vanessa?!" Marcus asks.

Up on the stage, Ronald puts his hands up and states, "Look kid, I don't want to fight you! Whatever it is we can talk about it."

Vanessa holds up the blunt object again and says, "Then get out of my way."

Ronald doesn't and Vanessa strikes him on the head once more with the blunt object causing him to stumble backward. Seizing the opportunity, Vanessa grabs the microphone on the stage and begins to shout.

"My name is Vanessa Deli and for several years this company that you all treat so highly of has been covering up numerous incidents, including the one that ruined my life seven years ago! But now, all of them will soon be revealed! Soon everything these liars and monsters have built up will come crumbling down! Don't believe their lies!" Vanessa shouts.

Marcus sits there shocked not knowing what to do, however as security rushes the stage, Vanessa quickly makes her escape and starts running through the crowd. The security starts to go after her but Ronald motions for them to stop.

Wanting answers Marcus begins to chase after Vanessa, as his friends start shouting asking where they are going, Marcus realizes he isn't the only one following Vanessa. Next to him is Alex Smith, whose even more determined to talk to Vanessa than Marcus is. As the two get outside, they see Vanessa begin to enter a car.

"VANESSA!" Marcus shouts.

Vanessa stops and looks behind her to see Marcus & Alex.

"What are you doing?" Marcus asks.

"Listen, Marcus, I'm sorry for using you but I needed to get my message across. Listen, don't trust anyone! They're lying to you!" Vanessa yells.

Vanessa and Alex lock eyes and Vanessa smiles before saying, "I'm glad I got to see you again Alex, I just wish it was under different circumstances."

As Alex tries to find the words to say, the only thing he can muster is "...what happened to you?"

Vanessa is silent as the person driving the car steps on the gas and the car floors it out of there. As Marcus & Alex stand there confused, the other club members & X finally catch up to him.

"What the hell did you two think you were doing?!" Ronnie yells.

The two are silent however their silence is interrupted by Elizabeth shouting, "What is that?!"

Everyone looks to see where Elizabeth is pointing, only to see billowing smoke coming from an area they're all too familiar with.

"It can't be," Ronnie says.

Curiosity getting the better of the crew, they all run towards the source of the smoke, and as they run down the streets, passing by confused and frightened people. They finally reach the street that the fire is on.

Up in flames is none other than Starlight High.

As fire trucks swarm the street, Ronnie looks to see they aren't the only people watching the flames. Because on the other side of the street laying on the grass, is Hunter Huntingson & Mesto-Presto.

"What the fuck is going on?" Ronnie thinks out loud.

Alex looks towards Marcus and says, "that car that Vanessa entered, it came from this direction."

As Alex says that, Marcus recalls something Vanessa told him, that while she was going to the gala, Blanko & Graham were busy with something else. A pit in Marcus' stomach starts to grow as he realizes that the attack at the gala and the fire at Starlight High aren't just a mere coincidence.

This was planned out.

See You Next Chapter!~

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