xChapter 21 - Out & About (Epilogue)

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Author's Note: Hey it's me, Preston108. I just want to apologize for how long it took for the 'Out & About' storyline to occur. I was busy with spring break and then busy with college work so I didn't have time to make some new chapters. However, I do think I definitely returned with a really solid storyline. I hope you guys continue reading this. Now then, time for another chapter with a few sun shorts. Hope you enjoy it!

SUN SHORT #1 - Dropouts

"Ha! Looks like I won this time!" Tim The First Thug says as he manages to collect a dessert from the cakewalk game.

He and the rest of The Three Ts are enjoying their time at the Starlight High carnival, much to the confusion of Zesti Champion. Miss Champion walks over to Mister Amnestor, whose talking with Ivan Turnip.

"Excuse me Mister Amnestor, but is it really okay for us to allow some thugs to be a part of the carnival?" Miss Champion asks.

"Don't worry Miss Champion, they aren't just any thugs," Mr. Amnestor says, "those three kids are all former students here."

"Wait really? What happened to them?"

"Well, they dropped out."

SUN SHORT #2 - A Small Confrontation

"I'll be right back, just grabbing some supplies!" Ronnie yells as he exits the gym and walks down the hallway of Starlight High. As he walks down towards a supply closet, the door to a bathroom swings open, and out walks Hunter Huntingson. The two stop and look at each other. Ronnie makes a fist as he tries to calm his rage.

"Oh, didn't expect to see you here," Hunter states matter-of-factly.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ronnie demands.

"I was just enjoying the carnival, like any student would," Hunter begins to say as he begins to walk past Ronnie, however, he stops and adds, "it looks like Marcus seems happy."

Infuriated, Ronnie turns around to face Hunter and shouts, "If you even think of coming towards Marcus ever again I swear-"

However, Hunter cuts him off by saying, "yeah you won't need to worry about that. I'd rather not talk to someone so pathetic."

Hunter continues to walk away while Ronnie walks towards the supply closet, as he does so he wonders how there could be someone like him out there. Someone who doesn't have a single shred of remorse for what they did.

SUN SHORT #3 - They Didn't Save Me A Slice

"I didn't even get a slice of cake!" Selina Gulvonac says defeatedly as she bags a bunch of books.

She is standing behind the counter at the Starlight City Bookstore and cashing out Sally Everst who's buying a few books.

"Is that so," Sally says as she hands Selina some money. Selina goes to give Sally Everst the change back but Sally stops her by adding, "the change should be enough to get you a piece of that cake."

Selina checks the money again and smiles, "thank you so much Mrs. Everst! You're a lifesaver!"


After her shift, Selina is at home with a newly bought starfruit upside-down cake. She cuts a slice for herself and grabs a fork and takes a bite out of the cake. However, she quickly spits out the food.

"Why is it so awful?!" Selina asks.

SUN SHORT #4 - Rolling Up Your Sleeves

On a bright and sunny day, Alex, Marcus, Elizabeth, & Ronnie are hanging out at the Starlight City Park. All of them are sitting at a table and are about to eat some food they got from a street vendor.

"Man, I can't remember the last time I've been here," Ronnie says.

"I can," Alex shared, "it was when we fought."

"Oh yeah, that did happen."

As the four are about to eat, they suddenly hear someone start to cry. They look to the source of the sound to see a little kid who managed to get a kite stuck in a tree.

"Don't worry, I'll go help him," Ronnie says as he walks away from the group and towards the kid. He begins to try and struggle to get the kite out of the tree.

"Kids still use those?" Elizabeth asks.

"I guess," Alex says.

The three decide to start eating, however, Marcus notices that the food he is eating might make a mess on his white long-sleeved t-shirt so he rolls back his sleeves before eating. As Alex & Elizabeth sit at the other side of the table they stop eating and stare at Marcus in shock.

Marcus, noticing them staring, stops eating and asks, "what's up?"

Alex immediately asks, "dude what's up with your arms!"

Marcus quickly pulls his sleeves back down before frantically saying, "I'm sorry! I didn't realize what I was doing! Don't tell anyone please!"

"Relax we aren't going to tell anyone," Elizabeth says, "well besides Ronnie."

"Oh- uh- he already knows," Marcus awkwardly admits.

"Wait what? Since when? And why?" Alex asks.

"It's uh, it's a pretty long story, and it's not that interesting, are you sure you want to hear it?" Marcus admits.

Elizabeth & Alex nod.

"Alright, I'll tell you, but don't get too upset at me if it's a really long!" Marcus says.

Elizabeth & Alex nod again. Marcus sighs before he begins to explain to them a tale. A tale that occurred back in middle school. A tale where Marcus would end up at his lowest possible point only for him to experience a miracle. A tale of two best friends.

See You Next Chapter!~

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