New Lessons And The New Slytherin Chaser

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As the week came to a close, Seth's classes for the day were finally over. With a sense of nervous excitement, he made his way to the Dungeons for his private lesson with Snape, as arranged.

Approaching Snape's office, Seth's stomach churned with anticipation. He hesitated for a moment before mustering up the courage to knock on the closed door of the classroom where his lesson was to take place.

"Enter." Snape's voice called out.

Seth cautiously pushed open the door and stepped into the dimly lit classroom, the door closing softly behind him. His gaze immediately fell upon Snape, who stood beside a bubbling cauldron, his expression unreadable.

"Ah, Mr Scamander." Snape greeted, his voice cold and aloof.

He then gestured for Seth to approach, and Seth complied, moving forward until he stood at Snape's right side.

"Tell me, Mr. Scamander, do you possess knowledge regarding the Draught of Peace potion and its applications?" Snape asked.

"Yes, Professor," Seth responded. "The Draught of Peace is a potion known for alleviating anxiety and agitation. Its ingredients include powdered moonstone, syrup of hellebore, powdered porcupine quills, and powdered unicorn horn. When brewed correctly, it should yield a turquoise-blue hue and be simmered before consumption."

Snape's expression softened slightly, a glimmer of approval evident in his eyes as he acknowledged Seth's knowledge.

"Very well done, Mr. Scamander," Snape remarked, his tone carrying a hint of approval. "It appears you possess a keen understanding of Potions, perhaps even surpassing that of your peers, including Mrs. Granger."

"Thank you, Professor. I owe much of my proficiency to the guidance found in the textbooks and your instructions. Without them, I doubt I would have the skill to brew even half of the potion." Seth said.

"I appreciate your modesty, Mr. Scamander. Now your task is to make a Draught of Peace potion without my help and instructions. Are you up to the challenge?"

Seth nodded.

"Then you may now begin. But remember, one mistake and the potion will be destroyed and all the ingredients and container will become useless."

Seth nodded in understanding before heading to the potion shelves to gather the necessary ingredients. With careful precision, he selected each component required for the potion and began following the instructions for its preparation.

1. Add powdered moonstone until the potion turns green.

2. Stir until the potion turns blue.

3. Add powdered moonstone until the potion turns purple.

4. Allow to simmer until the potion turns pink.

5. Add syrup of hellebore until the potion turns turquoise.

6. Allow to simmer until the potion turns purple.

7. Shake powdered porcupine quills vigorously until they are ready and then add until the potion turns red.

8. Stir until the potion turns orange.

9. Add more porcupine quills until the potion turns turquoise.

10. Allow to simmer till the potion turns purple.

11. Add powdered unicorn horn until the potion turns pink.

12. Stir until the potion turns red.

13. Allow to simmer until the potion turns purple.

14. Add more powdered moonstone until the potion turns grey.

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