Academia : Musical Night

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Introducing the purely musical play.

Trojan Night.

Aries endures much hardship and trials to build a better future.

Nestor imparts his wisdom on the next generation. Encouragements and warnings born from experience.

Cassandra and Polyxena are sisters. Both fell in love with the same guy. So the drama....

Cassandra song- helpless

Polyxena song- Satisfied.

Pisces song.

In a sexist society a lone woman seeks to revive the amazons. Become a symbol of empowerment for a new generation.( She succeeds in making minature Sphere's by the end of the song.)

Scorpio song.

Scorpio admires Aries's passion and endurance. He wonders how Aries preserves so much and never gives up.
Thinks if he can become like that. Passionate, strong, inspiring....


Scorpio is frequently depressed. Despite his stoic exterior he suffers from survivors guilt. Still he remembers that Penny's last words to him were live. That he will find happiness someday. So he'll..... wait for it.

Pisces and Cancer song. Cancer being sexist but Pisces ain't having none of that. She's an amazon warrior and she will be respected!

Anything you can do...🎶

Scorpio and Pisces song.

Our signs may be incompatible but love conquers all...Their not really incompatible . But Scorpio his trauma made him stoic(opposite of his sign) and he's trying not to care so he won't be hurt.  Meanwhile Pisces doesn't wanna be the annoying useless simp. She had a hard time accepting her feminine feelings because she's trying and failing to not act like a schoolgirl in love. This is a slowburn story and their still not together but their true feelings leak during this mandatory play song.

Rewrite the stars....🎶

Diomedes Leo Equellus.

The pony-obsessed foreigner inventor with a funny name revolutionized Troy's with new weapons....

Much like...Lafayette...

(Paris resents Aries for taking the mc role from him)

Cancer and Aries Song.

Countdown to one of the most famous fights in history. Build that tension.

Achilles Aries VS Hector Cancer

Cancer song.

Is it worth it? Is War glorious? Not for Hector. Still the leader should be one worthy,smart and strong enough to do his job.

If Aries will never stop till he took Zenith (Number 1 hero of Troy title) from him. He may have to end him.

(Paris being recruited by new villains after the show. Will he accept or not?)

(They release him and give him time to think about it.)

End credits

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