Chapter 13: Memnon Perseus

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Jax: Is that it?

They were hiding in the beach watching a ship's crew load supplies. Supplies stolen from the villagers.

Aries: Well that is the coordinates Pisces gave us.

Jax: Ok then let's go.

Aries: Wait...she was quick to give us it's coordinates. She must have been confident we can't beat the captain.We should...

Unfortunately Jax had stopped listening after the wait...and even that he chose to ignore.

Jax: Glory!

He rushed off to fight the crew.

Aries: Tch..idiot.

He went ahead to join him.

They stormed the ship taking out the crew left and right.

At least until they met him. The captain.

???: You picked the wrong ship fellas.

???: You picked the wrong ship fellas

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Name: Memnon Perseus

Ability: Vibration

Personality: Loyal to a fault(the gods). Willing to do anything to protect his land.

History: Married Andromeda and became king of Aethopia. The country used to be landlocked but reached sea as it expanded and the sea-level rose. When Cetus monster attacked he slayed Medusa to turn it to stone. Made deal with Neptune that ensures his lands protection from further sea beast attacks as long as he helped him expand his empire.

Perseus sent them flying to the beach with one punch.

Perseus lands after them.

Perseus : Can't have you messing up my ship now can I? I'm guessing your the "heroes" Troy sent. We told the locals snitching would only cause trouble. Someone is probably on his way to kill the one who brought you here. I will say this once. Leave now. As per Neptune's contract we have every right to take this supplies.

Aries : We can't let you leave with those supplies. The villagers here will starve!

Perseus : That is none of our concern.

Aries : Are you actually that heartless?

Perseus : .... No....I once was an idealistic hero like you. Dreaming to create waves that rippled along history. But I woke up to reality. To ensure my land's protection I am willing to do whatever it takes. Including killing you two.

Aries: There must be another way! You can't just yield to reality.

Perseus: No... I sacrificed someone innocent to stop the Kraken. What's one more body...

Aries: ... Bring it.

And bring it Perseus did. Once again he zoomed at them exchanging blows.

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