Chapter 6: Hail Hydra

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Back to the Present

Never again...

Aries: Screw the rules! Who cares if I am never recognized as a hero. I will be one anyway.

He crushed the snake saving Jax.

Surprise...surprise....Jax wasn't thankful.

Jax: I could have stopped that!

Aries: It's pronounced "thank you" dumbass!

Jax: I don't need help from a ability-less fool!

Aries: You calling me fool? That's textbook example of kettle calling the teapot black!

Jax: What is that even supposed to mean.

Aries: Do I have to dumb it down to you....

Cass: Hey guys...where's all this green smoke coming from?

Both stopped arguing to see that they were surrounded by a thick fog.

Aries(mind): Why do I hear final boss music.

???: That would be my doing. Can't have the watchers on the wall know I'm here. Even they know trainees are nothing but my snacks.

A giant snake appeared from the smoke.

Ajax : Did that monster just talk?



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