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While I was in the bathroom, I kept thinking about what Hannah said to me. 

Feet don't fail me now
Take me to the finish line
Oh, my heart it breaks every step that I take
But I'm hoping that the gates, they'll tell me that you're mine

Was it ture?  

Was I really a burden to Aidan? 

Was he only hanging out with me because he felt sorry for me?

Was he using me?

No Aidan is not like that.

I looked at myself in the mirror before I spotted a razor and the orange half full bottle with white pills. I don't understand why someone would lay something out like that. It was like they wanted someone to take it. I would have done it now with everything that is going on at the moment, but Aidan kept appearing in my head and if I didn't had him, I would have done it. I just keep thinking why he is so kind to me. 

Why was he even hanging out with me? Why would he even be friends with me? Of everyone in the whole world, why me?

That was a question that has being in my mind for some time. 

I don't deserve someone as kind as him but I really like him but did he like me like that too?

I mean he did ask me out, but I never got to answer him, so maybe I should go down there and tell him that I like him more than a friend, that I have feelings for him and I want to go out on a date with him. Yeah I will do that.

I took a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom and downstairs to the living room. But only so see that Aidan was not sitting on the couch like he told me he would. Instead four people were sitting there, laughing while talking. I told him how I get around crowds and parties how I can get lost easily if I don't have a companion.

I looked around trying to spot him, but I couldn't spot him in the crowd. 

Maybe I should ask, some people here know him.

"Excuse me" I asked two people who were making out right next to me "Excuse me" they two pull away to look at me. "What?" they asked "Did you guys know where Aidan is?" I asked "We are not your tracking device" the girl said "Find him yourself" the guy said "Okay, sorry" I said and the two started making out again "Try out to eat each other" I said as I walked farther into the living room.

Then I spotted Trinity so I walked over to her "Trinity" she looked at me "Hey Y/n" she smiled "Have you seen Aidan?" I asked "Is he not sitting on the couch?" she asked and I shook my head "Then I don't know where he is" she looked around before looking back at me.

JUST AN ORDINARY GIRL  (Aidan Gallagher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now