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My parents and I quickly arrived at the hospital and we rushed over to the reception where a nurse was sitting.

"Excuse me" I said and she looked at me "Is there a girl name Y/n Jackson here? She is 17 years old. She have Y/h/c hair and is Y/h tall. Is she here?" I asked and the nurse looked at her computer.

"Yeah, she just arrived here few minutes ago" she said "Is she alright? Can I see her?" I asked, panicking "Easy sir" she said, trying to calm me down. But my heart was beating so much in how scared I was.

"Are you her family?" she asked and I shook my head "Then I'm sorry, only family is allow to see her. But I do need to call an adult from her family. So do you have their numbers?" she asked and I nodded before telling Y/n's brother Noah's and her mom's numbers.

After giving the nurse the numbers, my parents and I walked over to sit in the waiting room.

"Don't worry buddy. Y/n is going to be alright" my dad rubbed my back "I just don't understand why she would do it" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"It's my fault" I said "No, Sweety, you can't say that" my mom said "If I haven't brought her to the party, she wouldn't be in there" I sighed.

We waited for another 10 minutes that felt like hours before a nurse enter the waiting room.

"Is there anyone here for Y/n" a female voice said and I looked up "That's me. I'm her best friend" I got up as my parents and I approached the nurse.

"Is she alright?" I asked "Were you the one that found her?" she asked "Yeah" I nodded "Well, as you know she took a overdoes of sleeping pills and she have also cut her writs. But because Miss Y/n took the sleeping pills before she cut her wrists she cut wrong and therefore she didn't cut the main veins, so that was the reason why she didn't died from blood lost faster" the nurse explain and I nodded.

"Were you the one that wrapped the towels around her wrists?" she asked and I nodded "You did a good job, by doing that you saved her life and if you have just found her five minutes later, the chance of her surviving would be very small, so you saved her life" the nurse said "So she is alright?" I asked "Yeah, she is stable. She have to spend the night in the ER" she said "Can I see her?" I asked "Are you family?" she asked "She is my best friend. Please let me see her, just for ten minutes" I beg as I looked at the nurse.

"Ten minutes. She is room 126" she said and I nodded before I rushed to her room.

As soon as I came to the room, I opened the door before I enter.

I saw Y/n laying on the hospital bed. A needle was stuck into her left arm where a thin tub was connected to the needle that lead to an IV bag.

Her chest slowly rose and fell. Her arms was laying on the side and she was breathing heavily, but steadily.

JUST AN ORDINARY GIRL  (Aidan Gallagher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now