Chapter 1 : I want to know the Truth

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The wind was pushing against Rowan's ears and face as he ran through the forest, his backpack hitting against his back as he ran. He is almost there , so close to finding the truth. Who is he? Who are his parents? What happened 20 years ago? He slips and trips against one of the redwood trees. He is drenched in sweat from head to toe. He stands up and begins rumbling through his backpack to find a water bottle, he finds his phone buzzing non-stop. Twenty missing calls and texts from his mom and some forty five missing calls from his dad. His aunts and uncles have called him as well but he doesn't care, they are not even my family so why should he answer, he thought. Rowan's grandma Cho called him thirty times as well , but he was not worried soon she would see him. Soon she will have no choice but to tell me the truth, the full truth with no more lies. No one was going to hide anything from me anymore, I will know the truth. Rowan thought as he went through his dirty backpack.

I chugged the last water bottle I found in my backpack as quickly as I could. I had left home before the sun hid away and I now don't have the light I need to see as I travel through the forest. After school I had finally made up my mind and gathered everything I had found about the incident that happened so long ago. It took me about two to three hours to get everything I needed. It took another three hours to get from Sietz to Corville.

I placed the bottle back inside my backpack. At a distance I could see a blob of red figuring in my grandma's little cabin. The cabin I have visited since I was a baby, since before my "mom" Elora and "father" Aitor had taken me away from Corville. Since my dad Duri and ma Bitna were with me. The more I think about the entire situation the more my anger bubbles up in me. My head is mixed with emotions, can't this be a Dream? Make it a dream.

As I reach the cabin, I see that grandma Cho's car is in the parking lot, she's home. I am glad because I did not want to have to break into "Big Wood", my grandma's cabin. The lights are on but there is no noise. She is probably upstairs in her room. I bang on the door three times just like my parents had taught me, just like she had taught me to knock. I heard quick muffled footsteps approach the door. A sweet Korean short old lady with white short hair and a blue robe in her late eighties opened the door.

She looked worried and bombarded me with questions. As she rushes me in the cabin, , "Rowan, sweetheart, why are you here? Why haven't you answered our calls?

As I change into my house slippers I respond to her numerous questions saying, "Halemoni Cho, I want you to tell me the truth, let me in the storage room. I want to see all the pictures of gomo Tallula and my Appa Duri and eom ma Bitna and everyone else..." I say as I burst into tears.

Halemoni Cho looks at me with watery eyes, "Let me call your parents, so they know you are here, once they get here we will talk." She tells me as she sits me at the dinner table and goes to the fridge to look for food.

"No my parents are dead and you know this, tell me please." I say between sobs. As I sit down tired from the journey I had taken.

"Wait here Sambrem, I will come back, in the meantime eat your kimichi."

Mrs. Hyun left Rowan at the dinner table to go upstairs to go fetch her phone.

As soon as Mrs. Hyun left the room Rowan quickly got up from his chair and ran to where Mrs. Hyun kept her keys in her hallway downstairs. He took the storage keys and ran for to the storage. As he opened the storage room his hands shook making it harder to unlock the storage room. He locked himself inside and rumbled inside trying to find the light switch. Once he finally turned on the light he began his search. Where could those boxes be and how many where there? His heart was racing as he searched. Soon his grandma would find out he took the keys and locked himself in the storage room. Soon Red Wood would be filled with his family members and not neccessarly for a fun reunion but to try to get him out of the storage room and try to talk to him.

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