Chapter 4: A Break

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"Can I come in?" Manuel said.

"Come in," Aitor called from inside.

Im went to open the door for Manuel after Aitor called out to Manuel. Manuel came in and greeted everyone.

"Good evening, I am sorry to interrupt you, but it's past midnight and well into the morning. Why don't you go into the cabin and get some sleep. I know the kids have school tomorrow and it's pretty late, just take them in late or you could get the day off for the kids. It's up to you, either way tomorrow is Friday. The entire family here and we all decided to just stay the weekend instead of returning to the Sietz. Well those who need to return to Sietz."

"ok we will be right there."

Aitor replied as he got up.

Manuel waited outside the storage room for them to get ready to go all together into the cabin.

"We will finish this conversation later, it's a lot of information to take in and there is more, but for now we all are tired and need to sleep tomorrow will be another day, another chance at life."

Im and Hector took the chairs and tables that had gotten back to the place where they originally were. Elora and Aitor gathered everything Rowan had brought and placed it back inside his backpack and tried to comfort him. Rowan had calmed down but now his eyes were swollen and his nose had turned a dark pink. As they left the storage room everyone was silent. Rowan was tired, but wished they could have continued their conversation.

"Pa Aitor, can we continue this conversation tomorrow?"

"Si mijo, but we will do it in the afternoon, I won't go into the office but will be working by computer. Your Ma will be helping your grandma Cho in the house. While you wait, why don't you email your teachers, so they can send you the homework and any classwork for the day. I want you to be obedient and respectful towards your elders. If you want to watch a movie or go on a hike or somewhere in town with your cousins you can but tell your Ma or me first. Ok?"

"Pa you know that I won't cause Grandma Cho any trouble." Rowan was half listening to his Pa. He started to feel the tiredness that had been hidden by his curiosity and determination to know more about his parents. He didn't know if the tiredness he felt came from crying all night, from the journey he took to Corville or because it was so late into the night.

As they entered the cabin, they saw the adults seated at the dinner table talking over a cup of a hot drink and a piece of Mexican bread. The teenagers were all comfortably stationed at the living room each with a hot drink and bread as well. The teenagers were either talking amongst themselves, on their phone, or watching the movie shown on the television. The younger children were asleep comfortably in their rooms. It seemed like everyone was going to stay in the cabin that weekend.

The cabin "Big Wood" was built twenty years ago. Grandma Cho had asked her grandson Duri three years prior to the creation of Big Wood, to make her a cabin in the outskirts of Corville. Duri reluctantly finally agreed. Big Wood was enormous compared to any other average cabin. The cabin was two stories tall with a few acres of land. As you walked into the cabin you could see the enormous living room on the right side. The living room consisted of a set of four large sofas with a large small round table in the center of the living room. On the wall above the white chimney a large Television hung. There were pictures of all the children and adults hung on every wall in the cabin. Some photos included the late Tallula, Duri, Britna, and grandfather Cho. On the left side there is a huge dining area with a long wooden dinner table full of chairs. The kitchen is attached to the left of the dinner area. The kitchen had a mini bar in front of the sink area. The oven and stove are to the left of the sink. The fridge and kimchi fridge are to the right of the sink. Past the livingroom and the dining area you enter a hallway that leads to the rooms. Just like the rest of the cabin the rooms were big.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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