Chapter 2: Negotiation

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It's too soon, I haven't even finished going through the files and I haven't opened the three bins.. I want to finish finding out who that woman is. Why did she harm Ma Elora and did she hurt my aunts as well? Why is she so important? Everyone seems to have videos, pictures, and information on her. I panic as I try to think clearly what I should do. I'm upset that everyone has left me in the shadows for so long, yet when a stranger comes up to them to ask about their past, no my past they are willing to talk about it. Pa Aitor continuously knocks on the door. I just want him to leave me alone. I hear Uncle Hector trying to calm Pa down. I wonder if everyone has come to get me out of here. What's the big deal?

Aitor and Hector sat down next to the door.

"Aitor, you'll scare him more if you only scream at him and bang the door, hermano, calm down, Manuel went inside to help Señora Cho look for the spare keys."

Meanwhile, the cabin was full of life and noise. Little kids ran around the room, and sat in the living room. The men and women were sitting around the dinner table. The three elders were seated at the head of the huge dinner table.

"I knew one day we would all have to face it once again. This will come back to bite us if my sister and Aitor push it off." Camila Sosa, a creamy brown skinned woman, with thick dark brown hair and dark deep brown eyes in her mid thirties said between spoonfuls of food.

"If this doesn't get solved now, later Rowan might get even more upset than he is now. The worst is if Duri's parents appear or anyone else from the Hyun or from the Caddel family."


"What I am just saying what I think."

"It's ok Manuel, your wife is right. We never know when trouble can appear once again."

"Let's give them their own space, if Aitor and Elora can get Rowan out and talk to him that's better. I don't want to interfere, but I know at one point Rowan will ask him about my grandkids. I tried to call him down when he first arrived. It hurts to see my little Sambrem suffering like that."

Outside Hector and Aitor continued trying to convince Rowan to leave the storage room.

"We have to talk to him, he cannot hide his whole life in that storage room. He cannot more hiding, we have pushed this off for too long. If he finally wants to know the truth he will."

"Go easy on him, he is still young, he might not understand now or might take it wrong."

"Mijo, it's your tio Hector, listen, come out to talk."

"Hijo,campeón, let's talk, mamá is on her way, so we can all talk."



"Tell me what is going on, why are you suddenly acting like this? Why do you not want to talk to us?"

"For what reason pa? Huh, will you brush me off and lie or will you keep quiet again? Why are you so willing to go on an interview with a stranger but won't talk about the incident and my Goma Tallula's and my parent's death? I'm not stupid I know it was not just a simple accident! Why? Why won't you tell me?!"

Aitor sighed as he sat down on the ground leaning on the door, "Ok, ok,...calm down my little Sambrem, look we can talk about this once your mom gets here, we will answer every question you have. If you want later we can have this conversation with the rest of our family. Is this ok with you or do you want to have this conversation with everyone and not just us?"

"I don't want my mother to talk to me.... Rowan began to think of people who he thought could get all the answers. He did not want to talk to his mother. He didn't know what was going on and why his mothers were hurt. He wanted to know, and even though he found it hard to talk about this with his mother, deep down he knew that the events from so long ago were not completely her fault. But the phone call from four years ago lingered in his mind. Finally, Rowan figured out who he wanted to talk to.

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