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i hate alphys undertalle with a burning passion my hatred for her is so intense that it burns at the seams of the devils chains and frees him so that he can hunt down alphsy and brutally eat her alphys undertale overwaegt ass is the reaosn why poverty exists evver sincce toby fox came up with the idea of her the increase in poverty rates has surged up to 700000% bc of the mere idea of her existing shes caused the stock market to crash. every single conflict, predicament, tragedy, etc that has ever happened is alphys fault her sheer ineptitude broke me now im seeing red and my alpha form has unleashed and all that remains in the husk of my once animated corpse is perfect hatred. in greek mytholgoy the reason pandora opened the boc is because she knows whatevers in there cant be worse than alphys stupidity, every tije someone thinks of alphys the carbon dioxide levels in this world drastically increase bc her pathetic existence is a waste of oxyegn. she and the fish with a heairline so far back that socrates made a theory about it do their lovemaking wihch probably involves the most diabolical vile kinks ever bc alphysh is a ao3 moderator and all her screen time goes to ao3 adn wattpad bc shes reading her hot boyffriend mafia x reader omegaverse imagines lemons and fluff oneshots because she needs to depend on her imagination to fulfill the loneliness that she feels irl she will never be loved undyne is probably cheating on her with flowey becays a flower can provide more love and care than she ever could. alpnys plays valornt and whimpers for retired old men in their 70s and are living in the nursing home tehyr being fed custard and applesacue bc all their teeth have fallen off due to how old they are yet they still have a better jawline than alphys bc not even mewing will save her that yellow yoshi looking lesbin does not brush her dislocated ass teeth bc shes a discord mod and theres still traces of solidified mould of instant noodles thats been in her mouth since the incas were still alive and shoving their spears up alphys crusted asshole, therefore theres a whole ass ecosystem living in alphys vile mouth that has 5000000 different species, if humanity ever goes extinct we will rely on the alphys mouth ecosystem to devleop and sustain the future generations hoping that there will never be another tragedy as cataclysmic as the creation of alphys. her entire diet consists of overbaked doritos mcdonalds 3 day old fries and sparkling water bc no one ever loved her as a child so she has poor choice in food that is more poor than her eyesight from too mcuh ao3 wattpad and character ai screentime her choice in diet is the reason why her lips are crusty af so crusty that they grow dandruff that is the size of a ww2 tank and not even the most expensive powerful offroad vehicles can drive on them bc of how crusty and uneven they are i hope one day when alphys goes to the sec store to purchase a tentacle strap with gojos face printed on teh tip she gets brutually mangled on the way there by 16 hippopotamuses 5 tigers a forklift and donatello from tmnt. alpnys sheer stupidity has extended to a level so high taht she indirectly interferes with every existing problem and multiples them tenfold to make them worse bc its such edgy character devleopment uwu~ and she needs it to writ e her new "redaers walls clench arond the pedo grimm hollow knigt looking guy from hazbin htoel" fanfictoin alphys yellow ass skin makes me mad it has a hex code of its own bc its so bright it radiates light and so in grek myths thats how icarus died bc he flew too close to the sun but its not actually the sun its alphsy fatasses yellow skin that gives off so much light that u can see it from the other end when u peeek through her large intestines that have been enlarged from the digestion of too mcuh big macs icars actualy died from the stench that alphys accumulated from not being in contact with a single molecule of shampoo since the universe existed the second he caught a whiff of the repugnant smell all of his body systems stopped working and he dropped dead more faster than the scale dropped through the centre of the earth when alphys stepped on it. alphys teeth are so dislocated that gogole maps couldn find a way to navigate between her teeth this is why whenevr she chokes on her lesbo fish grilfrineds scales from eating out too mcuh she gets 500 brain aneurysms and they bursted bc her brian overloaded from trying to process too much information :3 theres secret;y the canon ending in undertale where alphs lab expldoes from her mixing together piss and earwax samples form 5000000 diffrenet peopel in an attempt to construct a concoction that will cure alphys down sydnroem cerebral palsy congestive heart fialure etc plus the countless amount of stds that alphsy has gained from humping her own tail. this exploesion spans over an immeasurable distaance so if the earth randomly explodes one day blame alphys idk. one day alphys picked her deforemd crusty scaley dinosaur nose and pulled out a booger that was neon green from her dumbass inhaling glow sticks and she flicked it so far that it hit osiris in the eye and he fucking died. no this is not a testement to her power its  a testament to how unhygienic she is bc the concept of showering is unknown to her due to her 1000000+ hours on genshin impact and she has the biggest crush ever on the tiny blue hair guy bc shes weird jus like thaat. 

anywyas to conclude in the nicest way alphsy i hope u brutaly die.

WHY I HATE THE DINER SOAR FROM UDERTALEWhere stories live. Discover now