A Lawn of Leaves and Grass - 10

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They returned that night with flowers from their garden in hand and wanted to bring them so Geoff had something truly fresh in the room when he passed away. The care team showed them upstairs. They spoke to the two of them but Axel didn't understand a word they said.

Axel's feet couldn't have felt any heavier. Reaching the top of the stairs was more difficult than any mountainous trek he'd ever been on. He reached out and held Nina's hand as they approached the door, slowly opening it to the sound of impossibly quiet breathing.

Geoff lay there calmer than Axel had seen in days. The care team said something else but Axel still didn't hear. The slow closing of the door was a whiplash, startling Axel.

"Hey, Geoff," Axel said. "Nina and I wanted the chance to speak with you one last time. It might get a little bright in here for you, so, bear with us. And please, ask us any questions. I'm sure you're going to have some."

Nina squeezed Axel's hand, then let go and approached. A light grew brighter in her hand as she approached, the spell she'd borrowed from Sorceress Deb becoming more powerful. Its power brushed against Axel and he couldn't help the sense of awe toward his wife who held it easily as she did a piece of paper.

She uttered a few words—not an incantation, but perhaps some hopes that it would work—and then placed her hand on his slow rising and falling chest.

The entire room became engulfed in that bright light as time came to a halt around them. A leaf paused, the stars ceased their twinkle, the whistle of the wind halted.

And a glowing, iridescent spirit looking like Geoff, but with far more strength, sat up from his body. Axel and Nina's forms remained human as ever, with the slight tinge of an aura protecting them from the time-locked spell.

"Oh," Geoff said.

"Looking radiant, Geoff," Axel said.

The old man touched his chest as he drifted into the air, managing to just catch himself before he hit the ceiling. With some concentration, he managed to make his way back to the ground.

"Did you do this?" Geoff asked in wonderment. Axel did sense a bit of worry in his voice.

"It's temporary," Nina said. "And kind of complicated. Basically, we've been displaced from time until you're...ready, I guess."

Geoff glanced over his shoulder to the frail old man resting in bed. He approached the edge of the bed, hovering there for a good while.

"So," he said. "The ultimate trick, eh? Two kids move in across the street pretending to be some normal couple ready to settle in but they're actually magical. You really got me."

"I'm sorry we kept it from you," Axel said. "These powers are great but can be a burden."

"No," Geoff said. "I'm happy I didn't know. But it doesn't change what I think of you if that's what you're worried about."

"Thank you," Nina said.

"Your team is going to come up when we're done," Axel said. "Everything else is ready. Robert'll be here tomorrow."

"I wish he didn't have to come back," Geoff said. "The burden it must've put on him..."

"Anyone would give anything to see you one more time," Nina said.

Geoff smiled at her. "Did you have to sacrifice anything for this?"

"Just gave an old woman some grief," Axel said. "Right?"

"The list of favors she owes me is vast," Nina said.

Geoff patted his hand, looking around. He took it all in. Axel stepped back to give the glowing form some space.

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