Croissant City - 8

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Axel had faith in Nina to get everything he needed. After all, Nina knew her way around a market in the Starlit Plane much better than he did. She would be right behind him in getting back home, and he was sure the other raccoons would love to see Isaac again.

He emerged from the splinter, taking a soft step down from it while the forest rustled all around. A spray of orange, red, and yellow leaves parted as the realm greeted him. Lord Carthinox sat up on his stump.

Being away in Itucz for a few days forced him to miss part of the further transition from a meager fall to a truly autumnal fall. The rattling of dead leaves was everywhere. He ignored the slight chill nipping at his arm as he approached Lord Carthinox.

"For you," he said, unwrapping a croissant.

Nina had checked the croissants to ensure they'd be good on Earth. If cooked properly, they'd be fine.

Carthinox tapped his paw and Axel set the treat in front of the wizened fox. After a few nibbles, Carthinox accepted the fee, bowed his head, and took himself off the stump, signaling that Axel could return home. Axel spared a moment to try and sense Ryan if he were still keeping an eye on the portal.

His presence was there, but, not near the portal. It was as if he prowled about the forest. Hmm. Something to bring up if they should cross paths again soon, Axel thought.

He shouldered his bag and hiked back through the main path of the forest. It was only mid-morning. The sun caught through the canopy and gave life to a sky ablaze with scattered leaves tumbling to their final resting place.

A stillness hung over the neighborhood. He broke the boundary between the forest and the development. His feet crunched on the leaf-laden grass, a slight breeze nudging him toward the place he called home.

No soaring buildings, no stars visible in the sky save for the humongous one attempting to ward off the coming chill. A sea created by autumn swirled on everyone's lawn, yet despite some of the neighbors tirelessly working a monotonous rake he didn't really hear anything. Not the hum of magic phasing through walls to power buildings, not the thousands of steps trodding over ancient stone.

A car drove by, its tires rolling peacefully over the pavement. Axel gripped his bag.

The Zanderia would've died living in the neighborhood. It was noisy at times, like at night if there was a party or if kids were out. But in the midmorning, when most of the kids were at school and their parents were either working or relaxing indoors, Axel got the firm reminder of why they'd chosen Oaken Reserve.

He walked unimpeded to the front door of the house, nudging his way through the door after using his magic to unlock it. Axel crossed the threshold, a comforting warmth greeting him as if the house itself were hugging him.

Words almost slipped out of his mouth, but he caught them. He was so used to talking with Isaac while he worked on the croissants and it was strange that he wasn't there. Who was the clingy one now?

The first batch he made at home was over and done by the time Nina came through the front door. They weren't great, but Axel wasn't surprised.

Nina explained it best: "When you worked here with the Earthly ingredients you found a balance, and over in Itucz you found a similar one. Now you're blending the two, it'll probably take a sec for you to get it down. But, they'll be the best ones yet, for sure."

She stepped away to let him be when she finished explaining it. H rested a gentle hand on her shoulder without a hint of reluctance. Nina stopped, dead in her tracks, and smiled.


"How about a little help, then?" Axel asked. "My Angel?"

He pulled and she twirled into his arms.

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