The Association's Notice - 2

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Two emails came in quick succession while Axel meditated on his conversation with Phil: a notice from the ARC board itself, and one, specifically, from Melinda.

He didn't want to let any potential frustration stew, so he checked out the ARC one first, which, bluntly, detailed how he and Nina had broken several of the ARC rules, including, all of their Christmas decorations, the decoration of the tree out front, the state of the tree out front, the flowers he planted in the garden, the deck that they had renovated a year prior, and their front door, which had to be replaced because a certain Phantom blew their old, original one down.

"You're joking," Nina said when Axel described the list of violations to her. "I didn't even think we were responsible for the tree."

"I imagine Jaime and Brittany got the same news," Axel said. "The deck, though?"

"They called us out for that? We've had that for over a year, why didn't they say anything at any other point in the year?"

Because the other people in charge hadn't cared. Axel didn't even know their names, he just knew that they did it for the sake of the neighborhood. Melinda and Carla worked for the sake of themselves.

"It's bullshit," Nina said. "What do they expect? Take down the decorations to put them back up next week?'

"Not a week," Axel said. "Holiday decorations are only allowed to be up starting fifteen days before the slated day and then we have ten days after to have them taken down."

He finished reading their violations to his wife who only proceeded to fumigate even more, her hand balling tightly around her phone.

"Did you respond?"

"I was going to. Then, I saw this."

Axel slid the phone across the countertop to Nina, who read over the brief email Melinda sent him:

"It's come to our attention that there have been pointed violations made against our ARC and general HOA rules by you and your wife. I am writing to you now out of respect that you please adhere to all rules and comply with the violation notice guidelines at once to avoid any further punishments or fines. See Section 7 of our guidelines for disciplinary consequences if you do not take immediate action.

"You and your wife are the leading violators of your area and we on the committee are afraid you are setting a poor precedent with your behavior. It is vital that you review your HOA guidelines. For the sake of yourselves and those around you please reach out with any questions and we look forward to seeing the progress you are able to make around your home so that it aligns with the vision for the neighborhood."

Nina glowered at Axel, slowly raising fiery eyes that would make a Demon's blood curdle.

"I guess she had bad croissants, too," Axel said.

"Is she a spy for Titania?" Nina asked. "A remnant of Faustus and Jericho's magic? What the hell is wrong with this woman?"

"Her and everyone that had to sign off on sending us this," Axel said. "I have no idea. I don't get it. It feels like they were waiting for this to just suck the joy out of everything. How unrealistic of them, that we'd take everything down only to put it back up in a few days."

"Did you respond?"

"Not yet, haven't thought of anything that doesn't just send me spiraling."

"Then I'll do it."

Axel snapped his wrist back and the phone zipped across the room to his hand. Nina jerked forward to chase it for a second.

"Hold on. We can't go nuts right now. What they want is a reaction, since Carla and Melinda didn't get that at the brunch. I'm sure they've wanted a scapegoat for our area of the neighborhood for a while and they finally have their chance."

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