Vol 1. Chapter 6: Ultimate Pro-Swimmer

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Miles POV

Me {It's been some weeks since the entrance ceremony our class got into a routine of studying and I'm now personally tutoring Sudo}

Me {But the most important thing is that today the whole class is going to the pool}

Me {I did my morning routine which includes showering, brushing my teeth, eating, and then a quick workout}

Me {I put the command block into my pocket and started walking towards class}


Me {When I wake into the classroom Ike and his group were talking about the swim class later, but I don't remember this scene}

Ike [OH, hey Miles! Do you want to bet with us!?]

Miles {Everyone looked at us, and most girls gave us glares especially "Mrs. Ice Queen." I think they are talking about a swim race}

Miles [Sure who has the best odds?]

Ike [Hakura, her odds are 8 to 1]

Me {Time for some easy money 🤑}

Me [I'll bet on Onodera then]

Ike [EH! Onodera!?]

Me {He then looks at her then looks back at me}

Ike [Why her?]

Me [We are on the swim team together, I think she'll win]

Ike [...]

Me [You are talking about a swim race right?]

Sato [He's too innocent]

Shinohara [Well, is only 15]

Me {Chiaki then pulled me close to her face, and then whispered what they wanted to do}

Me [Ew! No thanks I don't want to participate]

Me {I then went over to my seat}

Ike [Professor get over here!]

Me {Then Sotomura walked over towards Ike}

Professor [At your service]

Ike [Could you record the girls when they're wearing swimsuits!?]

Me {Oh yeah now I remember this scene. Some of the girls didn't want to swim because of them}

Professor [Leave it to Me-!]

Me {The chair screeched as I stood up}

Me [If you guys record anyone I will report you to the school, Not only that's an invasion of privacy but that's also recording people without their consent for a good reason! And I don't think peeping is a good one]

Ike [I-I, please don't tell!]

Professor [Yeah we're Sorry!]

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