Chapter 2: Contain.

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Welcome back readers! This chapter will be longer than the last one. Enjoy.
Pain. That was what Sorcha awoke to. Her head throbbed with a dull headache. She groaned as she sat up, her eyes blurry from her involuntary nap. She had no idea how long she had been sleeping, only that her back and neck were sore from poor posture. She began examining herself, checking for any external injuries. A few sore and stinging spots were the only indications of damage. Despite her body's protesting, she slowly stood up. The room around her was fairly bland, the walls, floor, and ceiling a depressing shade of grey concrete. There was a small cot in the corner, appearing similar to a prison bed. Two cameras were mounted to the walls, constantly surveying her.

"Quite the predicament I have gotten myself into..."
She muttered to herself. After closer inspection, she noticed a steel door and a small observation window, "curious..." she murmured. She walked towards the steel door, attempting to open it. When that failed she strode over to the observation window, nocking on it to see if anyone was nearby.

A few minutes later, two guards and a scientist entered the white observation room. She tilted her head at them, curious to their intentions. The scientist was silent for a few moments before walking up to a small microphone and button. Sound seemed to explode through the silence as he pressed the button and spoke.
"Greetings, SCP-049-3. This will be a quick evaluation to simply see what your bare minimum capabilities and requirements are."
Sorcha flinched at the sudden loud noise, unused to her surroundings. She was beginning to feel a bit nervous.
"Understood. I shall answer any questions asked of me." She said calmly, her strange metallic Scottish accent shining through.

"Wonderful, let's begin. First question, what are you capable of?"

Her piercing silver eyes seemed to unnerve the scientist.

"That all depends on your intentions."
She responded quietly.

"SCP-049-3 you will be forced to answer the questions whether you like it or not."
The doctor replied firmly.

"Hmmm... interesting..." she said to herself.

"We aren't here to answer any of your questions SCP-049-3."

"Oh I am well aware doctor... I am simply... observing you..."

The doctor sighed. "Another one of these crackheads..."

"Mind your language, tis not becoming of a professional man such as yourself to say such things." She said calmly, seeming unfazed by the insult.

"I didn't ask for your opinion. Now. Answer my questions. What. Are. You. Capable. Of."

"Oh doctor... I am capable of far more than your human mind can fully understand..."

"Answer. The question."

"As you wish.... I could end your life with a simple touch if I wished." She said, an underlying threat seeming to hide within her words.

"We've dealt with worse. Anything else you can do?" He said, annoyed at her attempts to intimidate him.

"I can sense it."

"Sense what?"

"The pestilence... it fills this place..." she responded, closing her eyes and she seemed to fall deep in thought.

"Not another one of these fuckers..." the scientist said irritably.

"Mind your language doctor. Tis not becoming of a man of your status."

"So you've said. We're classifying you as a Euclid."

"And why might that be?"

"Because you're batshit crazy. You can straight up kill someone by simply touching them. You're staying here until a proper Containment cell has been constructed..."

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