Chapter 5: Lavender

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Times for a summary of last chapter! after her mask was removed she went insane over the span of 3 days because her mask was calling to her and wouldn't leave her alone. She breaches containment and kills a bunch of people and gets captured, she then escapes again and finally finds her mask. She puts it on but has suffered major blood loss and passed out after being restrained. OKIE DOKI! time for some silly goofy Sorcha. Message me with prayer requests btw.

Sorcha awoke to a surprisingly warm small bed. A thin blanket was placed over her and she had a pillow under her head. Had it all been a dream? The sharp pain in her wrists when she moved them was a definite no. She forced herself to sit up and take in the room around her. It wasn't the same as the previous cell, this one had strong metal walls and a hardwood floor. There was a small desk in the corner and an empty bookshelf she probably wouldn't use. A large observation window covered the wall the door was on. There were cameras in every corner, constantly watching her. She stood up slowly, beginning to look around.
"Hm... I am beginning to notice a pattern in these events..."
She said to herself. A minute later a researcher appeared behind the observation window and when she approached the window she felt a familiar scent wash over her.

Oh no. Oh no no no...

'This won't end well...' She thought to herself before her mind started to fuzz. Suddenly it felt like every problem in the world was gone and every word said was the funniest thing on Earth. She wobbled a bit on her feet before falling over carelessly, simply giggling in the floor. The researcher looked at her like she was crazy but she didn't care, the world already seemed more colorful. She began saying strange and very primitive philosophical ideas.

"Spheres are just lots of circles in a circle... so spheres are just circles..." she laughed slightly at her own words, unable to think straight. "What if the world is 2D and we do not know it? What if colors are actually different from what we see?"
Her questions went on until the scientist just exited, leaving the lavender filled Sorcha giggling on the floor. She continued like this for a long time until Sherman entered, at which point she goofily waved at him.
"Hiiiiiiiiiii..." She said extremely dragged out and dazed.
"Are you... high?" Sherman asked with a strange look.

"Nooooo... I like lavenderrrrrr..."

"Do you mean to tell me you're high on lavender?"

"Whaaaaaaaat?? Noooooo. I-I am not hiiiigh..."

"Dear goodness... how do I sober you?"

"I don't want to stop!" She said like a small child.

"What the fuck..." he muttered as she laughed deliriously.

"No need for such laaaanguaageee... we are all frieeeeendssss riiiight?"

"No. I am not your friend."


"I am not being rude! You're high!"


"Oh for Pete's sake... do I need to incapacitate you?"


"I'm sedating you."

"Nooooooo!" She whined.

"Why the fuck do you want to stay high?!"

"I'm not hiiiiigh... just relaaaaxed..."

"You're relaxed because you're high!"

"Just let me enjoy thiiiiiis..."

"Fine. But no more lavender for you!" He said before turning off the scent dispenser so she wouldn't stay high for too long.

A few minutes later she was back to normal and sat up, seeming unaware of what had happened.

"Did I fall unconscious?" She said confusedly.

"No. You got high." He said, bored and annoyed from listening to her rants.


"Understood? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I acknowledge the information you have given me and will archive it for later usage."

"You really need to be taught modern language..."


"Ugh... fine. You can keep talking like a history textbook."

"I... cannot defy that fact..." She said defeatedly.

"Anyways. I came to tell you you'll be meeting your counterpart soon enough."




"Great. I'm leaving now. Get some rest."

She muttered a farewell and went back to the bed, removing her boots and cloak before climbing into the bed, drifting off quickly after saying her prayers.
I hope you enjoyed the goofy Sorcha as much as I did. You'll see more of that soon. Love yall!
Btw here's some art of lavender Sorcha:

 Love yall!Btw here's some art of lavender Sorcha:

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Now you know why Sherman was scared.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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