14: Fear is a Killer

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Kaidyn is thrust into a whirlwind of memories as the shadowy creature simply swallows Charli whole, his body practically absorbing her. He sees the Spidermaiden who had done the same to him in his past life, and he remembers how it felt. Being swallowed by a demonic creature isn't the most fun experience you could have.

Lucy screams, and Kaidyn moves before he can think it through. He leaps into the air, unfurling his wings, and glides after the shadowy creature. It looks back at him, its pure white eyes flashing with a strange surge of blue energy before it turns and flies on. Nermov, the cat that belongs to Charli, the cat that protects the library, morphs into her beast form.

Massive, black and gray wings just like Kaidyn's unfurl from the cat's back. She then throws herself up into the air, batting her clawed paws at the shadow creature. Kaidyn is so close to them, when an explosion of magic surges through the library.

Kaidyn is thrown from the air, and he falls down. Down, down ....

He hits the ground, groaning in pain. Stars burst behind his eyes, and he gasps. Pain lances through his body, hurting his wings. He hears something, but can't make out what it is around the roaring in his ears.  The pain that shoots through his body is unrelenting.

Kaidyn finally opens his eyes, and blinks. Lydia, the girl he remembers from his past life, kneels beside him. Her black eyes widen. "Aerik?"

"Kaidyn, but yes," he says, groaning as he sits up and flexes his wings. "Nermov? Charli?"

Lydia looks around nervously.  "I ...."

Nermov thumps onto the floor beside Lydia, now in her cat form. She purrs as she rubs up against him, and her yellow eyes lock on his. "Goot cat. Where is Charli?"

Nermov grumbles. 

Lydia points behind him. Kaidyn turns, and sees the male who is the King of the Underworld, as well as her father, stepping into the room. The male is tall, and power radiates off him. He is not alone, though. No, he is followed by another male with waves of magic swirling from his body.

The male beside the Underworld King is tall, and has pale skin, but that's where the human-like features cease. He has piercing red eyes, with black around the red, instead of white. He has six eyes, too. And his mouth is full of hundreds of tiny, needle-like teeth. He has six large, feathered wings, the feathers a mix of red and black. As well as a long, curling tail with a triangular tip, which flicks from his lower back. His claws are twisted and elongated, and as the male walks in, his cloak whips around his long legs.

"Who is that?" Kaidyn asks.

Lydia shakes her head. The other females gather around them then, and Kaidyn realizes he doesn't see any signs of Charli. She's gone. Whatever that thing was, he can't sense her emotions anymore.

Yet, he feels her. He knows she is still alive, somewhere. But she has been muted somehow. And Kaidyn doesn't like it one fucking bit.

"Hello, my daughter," says the Underworld King, turning to Lydia.

"Father," Lydia says, bowing her head.  "Who is with you?"

"I am Atticus," says the new male.  "I am Charli's father. And I am here to help you find her."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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