The usual snapped away

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It was done. Joseph had left the Appalachians completely alone. For now, he was travelling on a jet to the Congo to go and speak to George Quantum. Aside from Jerry, George was Josephs only other real friend. He was someone to turn towhenever the going got to tough for Faroe. It was the same process when he landed down. Go through security, take a jeep through the forest, arrive at the cobalt mine, and just speak to George. Joseph stepped out of the heavy duty vehicle and walked over to an office that was next to the mine. He opened the door to see George with his legs kicked up on his desk doing something on his computer. He was just moving his eyes side to side reading what was on the screen and clicking at random intervals. Joseph coughed and George looked up at him with a unamused face. "Hey uh old buddy old pal!" Joseph says as he walks over to the old creaky metal chair, hesitating to sit on it as a piece of metalpierces out of it. He settles on the seat at an angle in which the piece of metal is just resting on the outer part of his thigh. "Joseph.. why are you here?" Joseph raised a eyebrow at George's statement "What? What do you mean?" Georgestopped looking at his computer and put his feet off the desk and stared at Joseph straight into his eyes. George face palmed and explained "I don't want to be even related to anyone who was friends with that freak.." Josephs face fell into a panicked look as he realized what he meant. "What? No no.. I'm not friends with Jerry anymore! I-I just left the Appalachians forever! They're gone!" George's demeanor didn't seem to change one bit. He didn't want Joseph to be around, and this filled Faroe with a horrifying fear. He didn't want to live the rest of his life as a sad old disgrace to his country. His wife had already died, he had left the Appalachians, and now George is kicking him out of his life. Joseph stumbled over his own words, "P-Please! We can discuss this over a nice c-cold beer, no?!?" He pleaded as George spoke quietly, "Get.. out.." "What?" "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU WORM! GET OUT!" George's voice was booming to Joseph. Very quickly, he jumped out of his chair and rushed out of the office, running over to the jeep to go drive away to the air port. "Back so soon?" The pilot said to Joseph as he walked into the jet, slumped over. "Just.. get mehome.." Joseph lifes was effectively over. He had no other reason to live. He was deadweight to this world. He had no purpose other then to live to be alive. He was sitting on the bench that he used to always sit on as a child. It used to overlook beautiful bright blue waters with bubbly lively people walking on the warm sand of the beach. In modern times, the view has been destroyedby the changes of time. The water now muddy and murky, and the grey sand now had hulking ships laying on it, rusting away until it collapses onto its own weight. A flurry of thoughts beckoned Josephs mind ashe stared out into this world. No other thought was as prevalent as the one about how he had a revolver in his pocket. A revolver with one bullet. This town is dead. It has been for a long time. There would be no one to see his corpse for decades. The Government gaveup on it, and so did its people. The town is dead, a corpse of what it was. Joseph took out the revolver with the upmost care. He pressed the cold metal into the side of his head and gave his final thoughts and prayers. His finger started to squeeze upon the trigger and- BANG! Joseph was shook by the large noise. He looked around and realized that he was still in his old town. BANG! Another sound, this time it was from the biggest ship of the graveyard. The shipwas the Whiskey Hut. It was the biggest ship in the entire world at 1143 meters in length. It was a marvel of engineering, and now it has sparked curiosity into Faroe. He held his gun in his hands and got up from the bench, which was broken down and molding. He walked closer and closer to the behemoth. It seemed that the ship had belly which was gurgling. Which reminded Joseph that he hadn't eaten anything in a few da- WHACK! A hard metal shove hits the back of Josephs head and he falls into the sand unconscious. Joseph blinked his eyes open and he was tied down to a chair. He looked around and saw somebody? "Wake up." The being said. Joseph couldn't believe his eyes. It was some type of lizardman? He was wearing some type of priest outfit with green and orange highlights. To Joseph it looked a bit fruity. "Wh-What are you? Is.. Is this heaven?" "You wish!" Another figure spoke out. It was a humanoid mouse thing. It was blue and seemed to have electricity running through its fur. "Where the hell am I?" Joseph was so confused by everything. There was four people in front of him, Two of them seemed to be animal like, and the other two were Human. The man in the nice suit spoke up. "Well Mr. Faroe, You are in the bridge of the Sea Vessel, The Whiskey Hut." "How the hell do you know my name?!" Joseph yelled out. The mouse shrugged and pointed at Josephs wallet. "We checked your I.D like anynormal person would." The man in the suit asked. Joseph was all too lost with this situation. He knew aliens were real but he never thought he would actually meet them. He struggled a bit with the rope around his body and just gave up before asking them, "You don't mind if you tell me your names, right?" The man in the suit looked at the other human in the room which was wearing a gas mask. Gas Mask man nodded and Suit Man responded to Joseph's question. "My name is Henderson. That Mouse you're looking at is Static." Static gave a two finger salute to Joseph, which really didn't give him any peace of mind. The Lizard spoke up "My name is Madrid, one of this multiverse's many sorcerers and warlocks."When he was finished, he did a curtsey bow at Joseph. Static bursted into laughter and yelled at Madrid "You look gay doing that!" Joseph snickered a little at Statics comment to the dismay of Madrid, who was frowning. The Gasmask Man signaled Static to stop laughing with a snap. "Dr. Richard Greene. At your service." He said with a muffled voice. All of these names and it still didn't give Joseph any idea of what they were doing here and why they were doing it. Madrid seemed so tired of Static. He was an annoying little rodent that managed to always crawl under his skin. Madrid looked at the old man which was strapped to the chair and seemed to have a shed of empathy for him. This was just a mere human seeming to end up at the affairs of something much grander then his small mind could possibly ever process. Joseph spoke up to the group while they were distracted. "What are you guys doing here?" Madrid was about to speak upwhen Static quickly budged in. "We're just rebuilding the ship to be our own personal yacht." He gave Madrid a devilish grin after he said that. God how Madrid hated that rat. Henderson shushed Static and gave Joseph an actual answer. "We're using the ship as a new Head Quarters." Static slapped him over the head which made Henderson recoil. "You bloody idiot! You just told him our whole plan." Henderson spat on Statics fur which made him yip and try to hit it off with his hands, "Well Static, its ironic how you call me the idiot when you can barely tell the difference between me and Franklin god damn Pierce! Also, this man isn't going anywhere! So why the hell not tell him!" Static and Hendersonstarted to yell at eachother. While they were doing that, Joseph had been untied by Dr. Greene and handed his wallet back. He was talking to Madrid who was pretty damn tall. He was at least 8 feet according to Joseph. "Excuse me? It's Madrid right? This team seems to be so.. divided?" Madrid just sighed as he looked at Static concentrating a ball of electricity in his hand. With a flick of his hand, Madrid had frozen Statics hand, causing the electricity to dissipateinto the air. Madrid looked back at Joseph and spoke up in a tired voice, "Oh tell me about it.. The Chiefs don't know shit about us.." "Who are the Chiefs?" Madrid thought it over, I mean how was he supposed to explain that to a human? "Uh.. Well they're basically our bosses. What they do is keep the balance of the Multiverse together." Joseph just had a stupid look in his face as he listened to Madrids explanation. "And what does that make you?" Joseph said as he looked at Statics body desperately trying to pull away from the ice block. "That makes us their Expedetionaries, we go look for their stuff." Joseph didn't question Madrid anymore but his curiousity wasn't even satisfied for a nanosecond. Madrid slammed his fist down onto the ice block which sent Static straight into the hard metal floor with a thud and a groan. Henderson smirked at Statics pain and leaned down to whisper into Static's ear "Best to stay down.." He pat him on the shoulders and then awaited orders. Madrid moved his right hand up and used his other hand to cut a large circle out of seemingly nothing. "What the hell are you cutting?" Joseph said as he walks next to Madrid. "The fabric of the multiverse, Mr. Faroe. He's creating a Portal." Joseph was fascinated by this as he continued to watch Madrids hand movements and spell. Dr. Greene walked over to Static and observed his hands and wrists. "Tsk tsk tsk.. Madrid you gave him frostbite." Madrid scoffed and punched through the circle he just made, seemingly it tore open. The portal had been casted, and its purple hue had seemed to beckon Faroe towards it. Madrid walked through first withHenderson following shortly. He blew a raspberry at Static who was getting dragged by the ankle by Dr. Greene. Static looked up at Joseph and spoke to him. "What are you waiting for?" Joseph watched as Statics body vanished through the portal. With a big gulp, Joseph walks into the portal. He didn't even have a chance to react to anything that happened in between. It was a seamless transition from the ship to.. a room with yellow painted walls? "What the hell is thispl-" Joseph turned around and saw Jupiter! The actual Planet! He walked up to the glass and planted his hand on it. He was completely bewildered. The planet and the space around it was beautiful, it looked something out of a movie. "This.. This isn't a projection or anything right?" Joseph asked Madrid, who he thought was right behind him. "Nope!" A familiar voice rang out. Joseph turned around to see who it was. No... It can't be.. "Well ain't I glad to see you again, friend!"

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