Slain Ego

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He raised his hand to the cold hard steel and rubbed his finger nails against it. "You couldn't find one that was in any better condition?" He said to Madrid. He just shrugged his shoulders and responded, "It was the biggest ship here. I thought you would appreciate that." Knock-Out raised his eyebrows at him pinched the bridge of his nose. "I do appreciate that.. This ship will take MONTHS to repair however. Anything could happen in that time span." "Also how are we going to get this thing into water?" Siberia spoke out. Madrid looked at her in a bit of confusion and spoke up, "Well your certainly strong enough to just push it right?" "Well of course, but the things rotting like a corpse. I'd just go through it." Knock-Out sighed at her and pointed at Madrid, "The Man has magic at his disposal. He can just move it." "Oh." Siberia seemed to be a bit dumbfounded when she realized that. Franklin walked up to her from behind and gave her a pat on the back. "Might want to lay off the strong alcohol dear." He said with a smirk. She gave him a glare filled with hate, she then turned to Dovdrid and nudged him with her elbow. She whispered to him, "Do you mind giving his skull a good WHACK with that shovel?" He whispered back, "I would but Knock-Out would put me in a head lock." They both snickered a bit while Knock-Out just groaned. Madrid spoke to Knock-Out, "So the ship is fine?" He nodded. "We'll send a few of the soldiers to clear out and survey the ship. Everything will be under control." "You sure? Because by the looks of it you can't even control your own group.." "Huh?" Madrid pointed at Franklin arguing with Dovdrid, talking about how 'he isn't an appreciated member of the team' Knock-Out seemed to be extremely angered by this. His blood was boiling. He clenched his fists and stormed over to to Franklin and Dovdrid. He picked Dovdrid up and threw him into one of the old buildings. Dovdrid flew about 70 meters away from them in about a millisecond. He crashed into the building, he shook his head and got back up. He jumped up from the building and landed back down to his original spot with a crater forming. It threw Madrid and Siberia into the water, and Franklin into the ship. "Who do you think you are, Dovdrid?!" Knock-Out yelled out at as he approached him, "Not a cunt with an ego like you!" Dovdrid yelled back at him. Knock-Out swung at him, with Dovdrid dodging the attack and punching him a few times in the stomach. The blows knocked him back but he continued forth as he gave Dovdrid an elbow to the head. Dovdrid recoiled a bit and shook his head. He charged back at Knock-Out, but before he could tackle him, he was stopped by Madrid. He had formed a wall made out of magic in front of him, in which he slammed into. "ARGH!" Dovdrid yelled out as he hit the wall. The wall had been shattered but it had stopped him. "I didn't need your fucking help!" Knock-Out yelled out at Madrid. Siberia chuckled as she had been watching from the water. She spoke out, "You sure? You seemed to be getting your ass kicke-" "SHUT UP YOU DRUNK WHORE!" Knock-Out snapped out at her. Her face became blank and she had become silent. "And you.." He pointed at Madrid. "Know your fucking place.." Madrids face showed no emotion, but in his mind he was thinking about snapping his neck. Knock-Out took a few deep breaths and activated a portal. "Where are you going, coward?" Dovdrid yelled out at him with stretched arms and bent knees. He showed no reaction and simply walked into the portal, which closed immediately after. Siberia swam out of the water and stood up on the beach. She walked over to Franklin and leaned down to him. "Your daddy's gone.. what are you going to do now?" Dovdrid walked over to him, which caused Franklin to gulp. Madrid sighed and moved his right hand up. The three were all lifted from their positions. Siberia chuckled a bit as she was lifted, "Woah.. cool!" Franklin on the other hand was trying to get away from them but couldn't. He wastrapped. With his other hand, Madrid opened up a portal to the space station. He threw his right hand to where the portal was, which in turn threw the three viciously into the station. Madrid looked at the ship a final time and whispered "You're surrounded by hatred, aren't you?" before leaving through the portal.

Knock-Out was travelling through a sandy planet, trying to calm down. He had always went here as a way to relax after something had angered him to the point of him lashing out. He walked with his left arm wrapped around his stomach. He hated to admit it, but Dovdrid had really hurt him badly. Each time that his blows had landed, it was as if his stomach was hit with the power of a galaxy. He had definitely over stepped his boundaries, hell, Dovdrid could've killed him. In his mind, he was a brute. He had no real experience fighting and had always expected his first hit to end it in seconds. Not only did he miss, but he had hit Dovdrid with a elbow powerful enough to shatter a planet rightin the dome. Anyone would've been crippled by that, but Dovdrid just ate it and almost charged him. These thoughts had filled Knock-Out heads as he walked through the desert. Instead, a more horrifying thought had pierced its way into his mind. What if he had to fight Korem by himself? All the times he had fought the Demon Lord, he always had the assistance of Siberia or Dovdrid. Even then, Korem was still able to take them both on but would eventually falter. Knock-Out would never be able to even attain the amount of power Korem had. He could train for the rest of eternity and still would get ripped to shreds by him. Rumbling in the ground had shaken Knock-Out out of his thoughts. He lookedaround to figure out where it was coming from. Then the rumbling had become more powerful, it evolved into an Earthquake. The ground started to get ripped apart into plates, sand was falling down everywhere. Some plates had risen, and some had sunken down. The plate where he was on had risen, and he had finally discovered the source. The being was called 'Noff', it was an ancient celestial and its skin was pale white. The Noff was muscular in appearance and had longthick arms. Its hands and feet were rectangle and smooth, not seeming like it had ankles or wrists. Its head had no facial features, but only blue markings, like the ones on Madrids face. It had planted its arms into the ground and sentout powerful vibrations. These vibrations were so powerful that it had could've moved and thrashed entire continents. Entire worlds would be affected by it. Knock-Out wanted to make sure this didn't happen to his own personal world. He jumped from one plate to another, getting closer to the Noff. The thing emitted glowing blue energy from its arms and chest. In Knock-Outs mind, these had to be weak spots. He had gotten close enough and pounced onto the Noff. The giantswung its arm around and it hit Knock-Out on the waist, sending him flying back. It at least stopped the thing from causing earth quakes, which let the plates move to their original yet fractured state. He was laying on the ground, his torso was bruised and everything was hurting. Knock-Out got up just in time to see the Noff stampeding towards him. He decided to stand his ground and planted his feet firm into the ground as hard as he could. He raised his arms upand waited for it to come close enough. The Noff slammed into Knock-Out, pushing him back by a few feet before being stopped completely. It had backed up and raised its arm into the air and slammed down on Knock-Out. He quickly rolled out of the way behind the Noff and he kicked the thing on the back of its knee. This only ratted out Knock-Outs position as the Noff swung behind itself. He went under it gave it a left jab into its chest. It looked unaffected as itraised both of its arms into the air and threw it down, creating a giant crater. Knock-Out backed out of the way and went back into the fight. He gave it a few hooks into its chest, which made the area red. Again, the Noff swung back atKnock-Out. This time however it actually hit him. It was from the left in the middle of when he was pummeling it. It made Knock-Out get winded for a few seconds but he kept his feet planted into the ground which stopped him from flying away. He became angered at this, but instead of just using that anger sloppily, he used it as fuel in his fight. He ducked a attack from the right and started giving continuos powerful hooks into where he thought its kidneys would be.His last jab had punctured the Noffs body, with a crunch and squelch, Knock-Outs hand was covered in blood and flesh. He pulled his fist out from its side and the Noff had mad a loud hum sound as if it was in pain. Its attacks became more frequent and powerful. A single punch from the left had offset his balence. It had made Knock-Outs head spin, but then Noff followed it with a right hook and them throwing his arms up and crashing it down on Knock-Out. Was this it for him? He had been battered and bruised. Blood was leaking from his head and body, the sand being stained red. He had almost given up, almost died, but then the thought of Dovdrid laughing at him at his funeral had appeared. This madeKnock-Out furious. He didn't want to die loosing all of his fights. Had gotten up on his knees and looked up. What he saw was the Noffs legs, Knock-Out got up a bit more and winded up a punch. He threw it into the knee of the Noff whichcaused it to shatter. It fell down onto its knees and tried to raise its arms to attack him. Knock-Out had gotten up and stopped it by holding its arm. He then winded up a punch again, concentrating all of his energy into that fist. A glowing orange energy had start to form and it got brighter and brighter by the nanosecond. He finally released all that energy into a uppercut which sent its head flying away. It was done. It had died. Knock-Out was panting but knew hecouldn't stay here any longer. A portal had formed at the Med-Bay where Static was sleeping. Dr. Greene was searching up the inventory of medicines he had when a portal appeared behind him. Knock-Out walked out of it with blood dripping from his chest and head.His blood had covered his whole body and he spoke up to Dr. Greene. "I need he-" before he could finish blood rushed from his mouth with a gurgle. The Doctor looked behind him and yelled "OH MY GOD!" This awoken Static who was gave an annoyed expression at Greene. "What?! Wha- OH!" He had turnde over to see the bloodied Knock-Out. He walked over to one of the beds and collapsed on top of it. When Greene rushed over to try and assist him, Knock-Out had simply whispered,"I.. Did.. It.."

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