The Demon Lord

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"I'm fine doc.. Now get off me.." Knock-Off said as he gently pushed Richard away from his arm. The Doctor just clicked his tongue and shook his head, leaving him to his own devices. Knock-Out got up from the bed and walked overto the door frame. He turned the corner to see Dovdrid and Siberia walking together. Siberia had a dumbfounded expression on her face as she spoke up to him, "You almost died to a Noff? Seriously?" "Oh hush down please, I don't want anyopinions from you." "Is it because I'm a woman?" "No, you're a idiot whos drunk ninety percent of the day. You almost cut off Franklins dick in a leg surgery." "..fair enough.." She walked off while Dovdrid stayed, leaning against the door frame. "What do you want?" Knock-Out said as he looked away from him. Dovdrid reached out to him and in his hand was a small note. Knock-Out looked him up and down and took the note from him, opening it, it read 'Come to Meeting, Room C immediately.' Knock-Out raised his eyebrow at Dovdrid, who coughed and then spoke "It was from Henderson." Knock-Out groaned and crumpled the piece of paper in his hands. He walked past Dovdrid into the stairs which lead to the room. When he pushed open the door he was met with Henderson sitting at the end of the table along with Madrid and Static sitting parallel into eachother. Knock-Out cleared his throat and asked, "What is this about?" "It's a grave mattersir, but I suspect that Korem will strike us at the station, today." Knock-Out looked confused so he took a seat. "I find that hard to believe.." Henderson sighed and looked at him dead in the eyes. "You've left quite a large amount of foot prints for Korem to follow." "How so?" "Well, celestials as powerful as Korem can detect a lot of things. If planets blow up, suns die out, or species go extinct, they are usually the first ones to notice." Knock-Out scoffed at him,"I already know that.." "Yes, but what you don't know is how he knows these things. He uses these little living camera like things called Hell Bats. Fat little things which fly around the multiverse being the eyes and ears of Korem." Knock-Out became increasingly disinterested into this conversation. "And how do these things pertain to me?" "Well if you perhaps kill a celestial being like a NOFF, then he'll know in a heart beat." Knock-Out gulped at him, "Alright.. but how do you know he's going to attack us?" "Just look at the facts.." Henderson snapped at Static who had his face buried in his arms asleep. Henderson sighed and threw his fist down on Statics head which made him thrash awake. "WHAT?!" "The projection, please.." "Oh.." Static pointed his finger to a grey steel circle in the middle of the table and shot out a electrical volt which instantly powered it on. A projection came on of soldiers getting set aflame, chopped in half, and beheaded."Only a month ago, Camp Skall was attacked by Korem and his Hell Grazers. That encampment was in this galaxy." A different projection showed up, this time a moon being blown up. "Only three weeks ago a moonin Neptune was completely obliterated by Korem. We don't know if this was intimidation, or a warning.. now we do.." The final projection that played was Korem himself, the demon lord. A tall grey ferocious horned feline equipped with an astronaut suit he stole from NASA. "And now, I believe he's down there on Earth with the Hell Grazers and someone much much more powerful." This instilled fear into Knock-Out, but he still wanted to portray the facade of a calm collectedLeader. "And what do you want me to do?" "You don't have much time, but I would evacuate what needs to be evacuated and gather your strongest. Try to prepare barricades anyway you can." Knock-Out was left pondering for a few seconds, he started to chew on his lip before speaking up to the three in a booming voice, "What are you waiting for? Come on lets go!" Joseph Faroe was in a library that had a large glass window that over looked Jupiter. With a glass of whiskey and a copy of the newspaper beamed straight from Earth, he sat down on a fancy chair and took a sip from the cup and began to read. It was a small moment of peace in his oh so chaotic week, but it gave him a small glimmer of hope that some things can return to normalcy with Jerry being alive. The doors to the library slammed open which caused Joseph to snap out of his gentle bliss. A booming voice yelled out at him "GET UP, YOU'RE GETTING OUT OF HERE!" Joseph recognized it as Static and he realized his message just as quick. He sprang out of his seat and chugged the rest of the whiskey before throwing it at the glass window. The cup didn't break and it rolled down onto the carpet. Joseph looked back at Static who gave him a weird look in return, "That was really unnecessary.. NOW COME ON!" He yelled out as Faroe ran to him. While they were both running down the halls, up the stairs, Joseph was still not in the know about any of this. "Where are we going?" "To Madrid! He's going to teleport you somewhere safe!" He yelled out behind him."From what?!" Static groaned loudly and picked up Joseph and ran. "God you're so slow, and it's complicated.. You're just going to be safe!" Static arrived at the destination where Madrid opened a large portal. A small group of people which included Henderson and Dr. Greene were present in that group. Static placed Joseph down in the group and started to run away from them. In his mind he was thinking about what would happen if Korem had caught him right then and there. He rushed straight back to Knock-Out where he was directing a few Soldiers carrying sandbags and crates around. "What do you have going on here?" Static asked him while approaching him from behind. "Whole place has been directedto be shutdown. Henderson better hope that his ass isn't lying.." He said while gritting his teeth. Dovdrid and Siberia were both present at the area, giving orders through the radio watches on their wrist. Static walked up to Dovdrid and patted him on the shoulder. Dovdrid whipped his head around to see Static and told him, "You go leave, this is our matter.." Static nodded at the man and gave him a two finger salute. Dovdrid just scoffed at him before yelling at his radio for them to prepare. Overall the station was in panic and disarray with soldiers running around with their guns out. Knock-Out just sighed and walked over to his two partners while telling them, "Are we able to get any assistance at all?" Dovdrid shook his head no, "Helios is still stuck in the sun." Siberia piped up, "Bruce, Gourd, and Danny can't come, platforms too small." Knock-Out pinched the bridge of his nose and asked them, "Any help from any Sorcerors or Magicians?" Dovdrid shrugged his shoulders and shook his head no again. He spoke, "The Moon Baron hasn't responded, neither has any of the Fard Users. There is still that one universe we could try.. it had that group of 8 people?" He looked at Siberia for answers and she just gave him a weird look. "Ah. Forget it." Then suddenly. The station started to shake and rumble. Madrid had gotten the last of the refugees through the portal before it happened. Heprayed silently to the Uni Sphere before closing the portal. Korem had arrived and was currently on the top floor of the space station. A red portal had been opened in front of a small group of soldiers who opened fire at them. The Demon Lord simply chuckled at them as he walked into the storm of bullets. "This? This is what they gave you?" He asked them as the bullets just slammed into him without passing through at all. He blew out flames which engulfed the soldiers, burning them into a crisp. His second in command, Talons had walked out next to him, he put his wings at ease and put his battle axe to the ground, using it like a cane. He looked at them from his plague doctor mask and scoffed while smirking. He walked over to the one soldier that was still breathing. The soldier looked at him in fear while Talons got on his knee, leaning down to him. "You decided to wear that gear for a living, and now? Now it's fused to your skin. It has become you. It has become your life." He laughed in his face while the soldier sobbed. He got up and slammed the knob of his axe down onto his skull, crushing it completely. The rest of the Hell Grazers had came out. Detroit Lander, Ms. Meadow, Chili Pepper, Tiger Beetle, Cyprus Gold, and Talons all worked as servants to Korem. After all, after their unfortunate early demises, Korem had resurrected them. The Demon Lord recreated them piece by piece and gave them new breathing life. In fact, he made them even more perfect. He gave them powers and abilities, In exchange they would fight for him, aid him, BE with him, and now? Now their objective had become extremely clear. "Hell Grazers!" Korem yelled out to them. They all kneeled before him. "You will have the opportunity to unleash your blood lust today! Go forth and slaughter your prey!" and with that command, they all got up and ran or flew wherever. Tiger Beetle, the fastest one, in the blink of an eye came down tothe floor below and killed all the soldiers in different bloody ways. Ms. Meadow and Detroit Lander followed in his foot steps, and they were annoyed by him. Detroit Lander yelled out to him, "TIGER BEETLE! LEAVE SOME FOR THE REST OF US YOU GREEDY BITCH!" Tiger Beetle ran in front of him which blew Detroit Landers and Ms Meadows hair back. "Do I really need to?" Chili Pepper and Talons appeared behind him, with Talons putting his hand on his shoulder. "It's best if you go to Korem's side with Cyprus Gold." Ms. Meadow nodded and spoke out "Yeah! We want some blood too!" Tiger Beetle sighed and used to speed to run up the stairs back to korem in a Zeptosecond. And so, the rest of the Hell Grazers go on slaughtering all of the soldiers. Detroit Lander would fill their bodies with so many volts that it cooked them in milliseconds. Chili Pepper would melt them all by increasing his body temperature to the point that steel would melt. Ms. Meadow conjured up plants from their blood streams, causing roses to sprout out from their bodies. Talons was old fashion, even though his voice was loud enough to turn them into jelly, he just preferred splitting them in half with an axe. However, with Korem was a special guest. It was.. The Moon Baron! The ruler of the magic dimension, and thus, the controller of all magic throughout the infinite Multiverse! He was here for a very specific reason and purpose. Korem looked up at the tall Baron and spoke to him softly, "Your revenge is nigh.. go on and fulfill it." The Moon Baron nods and puts his hands togethers which mimics and eye and places his arms on top of his head. This activated his third eye, which allowed him to have enhanced vision. He looked through the walls, searching for his target. "Bingo.." He said under his breath with his husky voice. "SPIRITUAL DE PHANTUMUS!" He yelled out and he became invisible to his surroundings. He can now phase through his walls, and his sights are to a small room where a terrified Franklin Pierce had been hiding. He phased through the Space Station like a quiet ghost, until he was behind Franklin. He uncloaked himself right behind him, which instilled in Franklin great fear. The Moon Baron gripped his shoulder and leaned down to the quivering Franklins level, he whispered into his ear "Do you remember me? Do you remember what you did to me?"

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