The new kids first kill

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After the events of the massacre at the space station, the Hell Grazers, Korem, and the Moon Baron had returned back to the Anchor of Tarr. Anchors are tied to Celestials, and are the realities between universes and dimensions.This specific anchor was tied to the Demon Lord, Korem. With it, he is immortal, even in death he would come back because of his anchor. Tarr itself was an anchor based on sin. The landscape reflected that, the ground being a blood red.The skys had a dark orange hue, lava was flowing through the lands, infinitely long chains coming down from golden clouds. Demons large and small, horrifying and strong, were dotted everywhere. On top of a massive canyon laid a luxuriousmansion, which is where Korem and the Hell Grazers had lived in. Currently, thats where they all were, including the Moon Baron. They all sat at a long dinner table, the Hell Grazers on the sides, the Moon Baron and Korem sat at the ends. While there was no food on the table, there were drinks. Talons, the Baron, and Korem all had a glass of wine, while the rest of the Hell Grazers had soda. "I would like to thank you all for your efforts during our raid." Korem spoke out to the table, a few chants and chortles abrupt from the table. Ms. Meadow sneered at Pepper, "What about the newbies effort?" She said as she pointed at him with her thumb. Pepper just took a quick sip of his soda, being silent. "Wasn't he under YOUR guidance?" Talons replies. Meadow gave him an offended look. "Well.. uh.. He should've done more then just get smacked around!" "I actually found both of you unconscious." Tiger Beetle spoke up to her. Now she was quiet. After all of that, Korem rolled his eyes and continued to speak. "I believe you all did well in your own.. special regards.. It doesn't matter. All that does, is that the Chiefs main communication station has been destroyed." A few silent claps followed that sentences. "Now, there are a few important strategic stragglers that you all will take care of." Talons nodded at him, the rest of the team not paying attention. The Moon Baron just drank his wine. Talons was the oldest member of the Hell Grazers. He was the most respected from Korem, and also the most trusted. He was the Demon Lords right hand man. The rest of the Hell Grazers mattered, sure, but Talons just understood how everything worked. It didn't matter if they all hadn't listened, for Talons would surely be the one who would explain it to them later. Korem started to explain to him, "There's a network from Mantis Rivers all the way out in East Alaska,Universe Fifty-Five." "Anything an issue there?" "No, it should be quick and effortless. Only a few soldiers from Mantis Rivers and the GFS." "Then why don't you just send me?" "Well, because I want to teach Pepper about how we operate on the team." "Makes sense.. so when do we get shipped out?" "About 30 minutes. I would advice you prepare.. now." With that command, Talons gets up from his chair and grabs his axe, and starts to yell at his team. "Everyone, a new mission has just been assigned to us from Korem. I need you all to keep your mouths SHUT and get moving! Is that CLEAR?!" He yells out, and immediately they all stand up from their seats and start to follow Talons as he leaves the mansion. All the Hell Grazers followed, except for Pepper. He took a sip of soda and he looked at Korem. "When Talons says that, its an order. NOW GO!" Terrified, Pepper immediately scrambles up from his seat and goes to run behind everyone else. Now it was just the Baron and Korem. "Did you have to yell at him?" Asked, The Baron. "Its tough love.." Korem says with a chuckle. The group all stood in a circle outside of the mansion. "Our objective is SIMPLE. We go in, kill them all, and stash important info. Korem gave me the locations of the base which is imprinted on this map." He presents the rolled up paper to them which earns an ooh from Pepper. Detroit Lander was all giddy and excited about this. There were more bodies to fry for him, which was always welcome. The others were excited as well. It was all an alien feel to Pepper.He was the newest of them, in fact, he only got on the team a week ago. To even get on the team, you would first need to DIE. Pepper was just a regular cherno before, new, young, and ready to take on the world- until he was killed by a volcano in Carfria. Meadow was an aspiring plant biologist who was fascinated in all things green. Too bad she was lesbian at the wrong time period. Detroit Lander was just some random Ian Clone who worked in the subways of the Ian Empire.Then he got electrocuted AND ran over by a train. Tiger Beetle and Cyprus Gold were soldiers in their respective armies, Cyprus was crushed to death by a mountain, and Tiger Beetle was eaten alive by aliens. That leaves Talons, who no one knew how he died. To Pepper it was obvious he was way more experienced then the others. They all were immature people, making crude jokes and living like they were invincible. Talons on the other hand, he was serious, Pepper had never even saw him smile once- That is if he even took off that damn plague doctor mask. His attention was immediately brought back to the situation when Talons slams his axe to the ground. He walks away from the others, and in two quickslashes, a opening to the universe was made. Pepper gulps and speaks up behind Talons. "How do we know that's where we are supposed to go?" Talons looks back at him and responds, "We don't know. That's why he's here." Pepper was confused a bit until he felt a larger presence lingering behind him. He turns around and there the Moon Baron stood. He softly pushed Pepper out of the way and walked over to the portal, sighing, and throwing his hand out he spoke. "I tell this Portal to take me to East Alaska." The portal made a loud choked sound and, like a window, it showed a very icy landscape. Talons walked into the portal, and the rest of the Hell Grazers followed. After they all left, the Moon Baron sealed the portal. This left him and Korem by themselves. With Korem being inside of the mansion, probably sleeping, the Moon Baron decided to look over the canyon. "Well isn't that classy." The Baron mutters, watching as the demons below do horrific acts of violence and other things to each other. He rolls his eyes at them and then opens a portal for himself. This portal took the Baron to his own specific Anchor. This Anchor had been tethered to Magic itself. It didn't really have a landscape, more like islands just floating on top of a dark blue sky. The Baron breathed in the scent of the Anchor. It smelt like nothing. There were blue goldfish swimming through the air, one or two eventuallybumping into the Baron. He had jumped from island to island, ending up on the one next to a large black Anaconda, who was currently coiled up and resting. The beasts name was Terrorn, and its body spanned for miles. The Baron patted the snake with his hand and spoke softly to it, "I didn't like what I had to do on that raid, but it wasn't for me. It was for him." The Hell Grazers had landed in East Alaska, which had been in the middle of a snow storm. While shivering, Detroit Lander asked Pepper, "You h-have fire powers? R-Right, newbie?" His teeth were clattering. Pepper nodded and transformed his body from its usually fluffy itself, to that of it being completely made out of lava. This seemed to make all the Hell Grazers to gravitate around Pepper, as he was their only warmth in this harsh cold. "Ahh.. we finally found you a use, newbie.. Our personal lantern!" Detroit Lander snickered at his own bad joke. Pepper wasn't as amused. Talons was to busy looking at the map that was given to him then to care about what the others did. Detroit Lander noticed that and walked over to Talons, slapping his hand on his shoulder, and delivering a very annoying SHOCK to it. Talons was startled by this and he groaned, looking at Detroit Lander. "What do you want.." "Well buddy old pal, I wasjust thinking.. How much longer is this going to take?" "YEAH!" Ms. Meadow shouted behind him. "Well, according to this thing.. they're righhhht.." He moves his arm around trying to figure out where it was. He flicks his finger out and points east. "There!" He pointed at a forest. Detroit Lander gave him a confused stare. "Uh.. there's nothing there?" Talons does a face palm and he grabs Detroit Landers face. "They're IN the FOREST. IN!" He lets go of his face thenslaps him. "Ow!" Detroit Lander yells out as he rubs his cheek. Talons then flies up and sees the base. "ATTACK!" He yells to his team. They all got up from Pepper and ran over to the military base. Detroit Lander powers up his fists while flying through trees, ready to give the first person he sees the shock of a lifetime. Which would be their last. Cyprus gold grew up to 8 stories high, crushing all the forest under him. Tiger Beetle sped through the foliage, unfortunately running through a deer which caused him to be splattered in guts. Talons flew down directly down to the base, causing the already growing panic from the soldiers to turn into a full blown war. It was useless however, none of their weapons had any effect on any of the Hell Grazers. Talons cut one soldier in two, quickly running in front of a armored truck to cut it in half. Cyprus Gold ran over to the runway, picking up a cargo plane and throwing it down on the other planes, and pushing over the Air Traffic Control. Tiger Beetle picked up a truck and threw it onto a tank, causing both to explode. Meadow was just running around, cutting Soldiers heads off with her shield, and destroying vehicles. It wasn't even a fight, it was just a massacre. Unfortunately, Pepper had missed it all. He walked into Detroit Lander frying a soldier on the ground, she was just some poor woman.. well she used to look like one, now she's just burnt to a crisp. Detroit Lander looked back at him with a smile, "It's really fun when you get used to it." Pepper felt like he needed to puke. He just nodded awkwardly and continued on. Talons was looking at a skull before crushing it in his bare hands. Cyprus had shrunk down to normal size after completely destroying the air force base that was there. Tiger Beetle ran back to Talons with a few files on hand, passing it to him. "Anything too important?" Talons asked. Tiger Beetle shook his head no and replied, "I speed read them, they were trying to communicate to the Chiefs but didn't know where they were." Detroit Lander chuckled as he climbed into the drivers seat of a jeep, he spoketo them. "The dumb bastards probably thought they were still in the Space Station." Tiger Beetle nods and looks between the jeep and Cyprus Gold. "I CALL SHOTGUN!" He yells out as he jumps into the passenger seat of the jeep. "Its no fair! You literally can move faster then light!" His complaints turn into grumbles as he walks and sits at the back. Talons sighs and looks at Pepper. "I'm sure you'll fit just right in." Suddenly, a door from a over turned truck is kicked open as Ms. Meadow walks out, dragging a soldier by his vest. "I think its time for the Newbie to get his first kill, right fellas?" She looks at the guys at the car, who all chant "YES!" Talons shakes his head no and speaks up, "Absolutely not!" The jeep group lets out sounds of disappointment. Ms. Meadow frowns at Talons and decides to keep it going. "Oh come on, it'll build character." She leans into him for the next sentence, "And lets be honest.. he needsit. At this point I have more balls then him.." Talons just slaps his hand onto his forehead and lets it happen. "Did you see that boys?! Peppers going to get his first kill!" Pepper looked at her with fear and confusion in his eyes while the Hell Grazers in the Jeep start to cheer. Ms. Meadow hands him the Soldier, who was propped up on his knees. Pepper looked down at the guy, who was staring back at him, not with fear or sadness, but with hatred. The group started to chant "KILL HIM! KILL HIM!" and with a loud gulp, Pepper raises his hand to the Soldiers head and blasts him with a stream of lava. That was it, it had melted all the flesh from him instantly. The soldier keeled and over and was gone. When that was over, Talons ordered in a portal from the Moon Baron. While they left, Pepper was the last to leave. He took some extra time to look at the body, and the second before he left, he smirked at it.

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