The Chiefs

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It was Jerry Appalachian. Joseph had completely forgotten about Jupiter and was now solely focused on Jerry. "What.. What are you doing here?" Joseph said, noting the appearance of Jerry. He was bloodied and covered in bandages, his beard was gone and his hair was a buzzcut. Madrid walked into the room while whistling, he stopped then spoke to the two, "I assume you've already met Mr. Appalachian?" "Since I gained consciousness.." Joseph responded. Jerry just grinned at Madrid and nodded. "And how did YOU get here?" Joseph said as he locked his eyes onto Jerry, "Well, the big guy over there picked me up when the Manor blew up!" "Wait, the house blew up?" "Yeah! It was that maniac Mike who didit." Joseph looked at Jerry with raised eyebrows. How could Mike, the very definition of an American family man, blow up a whole mansion? "It's true.." Madrid spoke up as he walked closer to Joseph and Jerry. "There was ash and rubble everywhere and I found Mr. Appalachian crawling from it." "Why were you there?" "Your friend is a VERY important person to the Chiefs." Joseph didn't need to ask him another question to understand why Jerry was so important to them. It was LIFESAVER. Jerry's own special recipe for basic Immortality. "See Joseph? Told you that putting that hamster in the microwave was worth it." Jerry whispered that to Joseph while snickering a bit. "Ugh.." Joseph said as he remembersthe experiment that he had mentioned. The hamster was put into the microwave, basically burnt alive, then LIFESAVER was applied to it. Surprisingly it had made a full recovery, but the image of a roasted hamster didn't stir Joseph well. "What hamster?" Madrid asked. Jerry just shook his head no, "You don't wanna know.." Madrid shrugged his shoulders and walked away. "Joseph I really should show you this space station, this place is huge.." Jerry said as he began to walkaway. "What the hell are you waiting for? Lets go!" He yelled out at Joseph who seemed a bit out of it. This slapped him back into reality and he began to follow Jerry throughout the station. As they were walking through the corridors, a few soldiers in dark red armor had walked past them. Some of them were like the species of Madrid and Static. "You see that one?" Jerry whispered to Joseph as they walked past a lizard man. "Those are called Chernos, same specie as Madrid." Joseph rolled his eyes at Jerry's statement. He really wasn't interested in what type of specie they were. They were all aliens to him. All different. To Jerry on the other hand, these were all fascinating. They all deserved to be studied by him, each taken piece by piece and examined. While the two wandered the halls, they both had different thoughts and feelings. Joseph didn't want all of this. He didn't want to be apart of some 'Multiversal Timekeeper' bull shit. Jerry wanted to be apart of it in any way possible. HE was the chosen one. They wanted- NO! They NEEDED Jerry for their cause. He was destined to a higher fate then just dying amongst the rubble like a flea. Joseph and Jerry had arrived at the cafeteria to see Madrid and Henderson eating something. They both decided to sit with them at their table and Joseph didn't really know what the hell Madrid was eating. On the otherhand, Henderson was eating Foie Gras. "Where did you get that?" Joseph asked him. Henderson was chewing on liver so he just pointed at where Jerry was. He was at some weird contraption that had a tad resemblance of a vending machine. Joseph got up and walked over to the Machine. "How do you operate this thing?" He asked. Jerry looked up at him with a grin and responded "Just type whatever you want man!" He waited for Jerry to leave before looking at the screen on it. Therewas a monitor with a keyboard below it. Joseph just typed in 'Cheese Burger' and entered it into the machine. After a second the contraption started to vibrate and sputter. On a conveyor belt connected to the machine, a tray with exactlywhat Joseph had asked for had rode its way out. He looked at it with a mix of disgust and fear. The burger looked fine, delicious even, but where the hell did it come from? He took the tray and walked back to his table. Jerry just got a bowl of white rice. How boring. "Hey uh is this stuff safe to eat?" Henderson wiped his mouth with a napkin and responded to Joseph's question. "Perfectly safe and healthy. I assure you" Henderson patted his hand and got up to throw away his trash. Joseph just sighed and took the burger and took a big CHOMP out of it. It tasted fine to him. Wasn't the best he ever had, but not bad in any way shape or form. Madrid had finished his meal and gotten up from his seat. After throwing away his trash he walked over to the Machine and asked for a bowl of peanuts. It spat out the bowl and he took it and walked over to the infirmary where Dr. Greene was taking care of static. "What the fuck are you doing here.." Static says as he lays up in his bed. "I got you these, I felt a bit bad for.. you know giving you frost bite." He shook the bowl and handed it to him. Static raised a eyebrow at him and took a handful of them and nibbled on it.While Madrid was leaving, Dr. Greene had gotten up to follow him. "Well that was nice of you." Richard said as he walked next to Madrid, "Joseph was right.." "About what?" "About the fact that this team is always at eachothers throats.""Well why do you care?" "Because its MY team. I want to make sure that we can at least be respectful to eachother." "This ain't like you at all.." Madrid stopped walking and he looked down at Richard, in a low tone he spoke, "Doc, sometimes we just need to swallow our Pride." Madrid then walked back into the cafeteria, not allowing Dr. Greene to get another word out. When he had returned, the whole group was finished with their food. "Madrid, I know what a bowl of peanuts means." Madrid scoffed at Henderson, "Enlighten me.." "You took them to Static." "Kill me then." Madrid said with a smirk as he got really close to Hendersons face. He just looked away and coughed, "God you need to brush your teeth more." Madrid moved back and chuckled a bit. Henderson looked back at him with a straight face "I'm serious." Madrid stopped talking and just clicked his tongue for a few awkward seconds. The doors burst open. A group of four walk into the cafeteria. Madrid and Henderson both straightened themselves out, all the while Joseph was again completely lost. "Who are those guys?" "Those are the Chiefs, just act cool.." Jerry said nonchalantly. So these were the protectors of the multiverse? There was a brown skinned woman with grey hair, she was wearing a red long sleeved shirt with brown trousers and suspenders. Another one was a man in a gas mask, hehad a larger frame then Dr. Greene and a blue helmet. Another was a yellow Cherno, a bit skinnier then Madrid, this time he was wearing nothing but a brown cloak. The last one was- "Franklin Pierce?!" Joseph shouted at him. Pierce lookedannoyed at Faroe's abrupt yell. "Hush down!" Pierce yellet back. Joseph looked back at him with a blank face. He whispered under his breath, "Why the attitude.." "Heard that!" The yellow cherno said. Joseph just groaned and decided to keep his trap shut from now on. The Chiefs walked over to the table which and stood by it. The Yellow Cherno spoked up again, "All of you. Come with us." More and more walking came to Joseph. He was extremely tired from all of this and was panting heavily when he arrived to the Chiefs destination. It may seem pathetic, but if you were his age you would be the exact same. "So Madrid.. Have you believed you expeditions been fruitful?" Madrid gulped and responded, "Uhm.. W-Well Knock-Out.. I do believe we have found a new head quarters." Knock-Out nodded and continued to question Madrid. "A new Head Quarters huh? Well thats great then.. what is it." "Its a giant cargo ship.. we in fact just left it an hour ago." "Cargo Ship eh? Good work.. It'll get Korem off of our backs for a few months." Knock-Out patted Madrid on the shoulder and looked at Jerry then Joseph. "And.. who are these two?" Madrid looked at the two the same way he didand spoke "The gentleman to my left is Jerry Appalachian, the inventor of LIFESAVER. I found him specifically on your request." Knock-Outs face melted into a crooked grin "How Delightful!" He shook Jerry's hand and then pulled it away.He seemed creeped out by Knock-Out. He looked at Joseph as a signal for help. Joseph just shrugged his shoulders. Knock-Out had noticed this and then looked at Faroe. "And so.. who is he?" Madrid rolled his eyes and sighed. Clearly Joseph wasn't as exciting as Jerry. "Well.. he's Joseph Faroe, American Politician. I found him walking on the beach near the ship." "And WHY didn't you just kill him?" Madrid seemed a bit weirded out by Knock-Outs question and he justshook it off and responded "I.. couldn't do it.." Knock-Out's fist seemed to have a glowing energy start to surround it "Well then why not just do it now?" Joseph gulped as he raised the fist to his face. The woman kicked Knock-Out in the back of the leg which caused him to groan and let go of his fist. The energy on his fist dissipated, kind of like how Madrid did it. "Siberia what the hell?!" He had shouted out at her. "Don't be a dick, we're not psychopaths for gods sake." Knock-Out just sighed at her, "Oh come on.. I wasn't actually going to kill him!" "Just shut up.." Siberia rolled her eyes at him and took out a flask from her pocket and took a sip from it. The man in the gas mask spoke up"So Jerry, how's that Lifesaver thingamajig work?" Jerry looked at him with a blank stare, "Who are you again?" "It's Dovdrid Constinople.. so about that Lifesaver!" Franklin Pierce butted into their conversation, "Don't give him that..He's a selfish son of a bitch." "Oh well ain't that just ironic coming from you, Pretty Boy!" Dovdrid pushed Pierce away from him which caused him to fall back and land on his ass. When Siberia saw this she just took another sip from herflask. Knock-Out just gave Franklin a pitiful glance and pinched the bridge of his snout. He smacked his lips and clapped his hands to get attention from his peers, "Alright! So what about that Ship?"

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