Chapter 4: A Great Escape

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Skyfire felt a wing whack her awake. "C'mon Skyfire! We gotta get out of here!" She heard Stargazer whisper to her. The copper dragon sat up groggily, and rubbed her eyes. "H-Huh?.. What's going on?" She asked, trying to get her body to wake up.

"We're getting out of here. The next location is, the Kingdom of Sand. Qibli's already got a plan, and it should work." Stargazer explained, as she helped her Skywin g friend stand up. Escape? We haven't even been here for more than two days, and we're already escaping. Skyfire's mind raced.

"We have to be quiet." Qibli shushed them. The two dragonets nodded. The pale dragon led them to a hole that seemed to go on forever. A small gasp came from Skyfire's mouth, but then... Another voice rang through the dungeon.

"Where do you three think you're going?!" It was Winter's voice. Oh god, oh god, oh god. We've been caught! Then we're never getting out of here!!! Skyfire's mind went into panic mode. The Icewing prince went over to them, with an unreadable expression.

"Shoot!" Qibli muttered under his breath. Then and idea seemed to have popped into his head. He tugged on the Nightwing's arm. "What?" Stargazer whispered to him. "I got an idea. Just follow my lead, oh and we have to tie up Winter for this." Qibli whispered his plan to her.

The black dragon nodded and turned to Skyfire to tell her the plan. The Skywing immediately calmed down after hearing the plan. She seemed less tense. Now it was time to put Qibli's plan into action.

Skyfire swiftly rushed over to Winter and pinned him down. The only flaw was that Skyfire was a bit smaller than Winter. Not only that, but Winter was also stronger than her. He was about to claw Skyfire, when Stargazer hissed and helped to pin Winter down.

She was still a bit smaller than Winter, but almost just as strong as him. "Thanks, Star." Skyfire smiled at her friend. Stargazer nodded and then turned and scowled at Winter. Winter scowled back at her, looking enraged. Stargazer looked... Calm but there was fire in her eyes.

"Get off of me!" Winter demanded. Before he could try to do anything, Qibli tied Winter up and blindfolded him. "We should tie his snout too, so he won't try to use his frostbreath,"Stargazer suggested.

Qibli nodded, and tied up Winter's snout. Even though Winter's snout was tied, he still scowled and growled at them, shooting daggers with his eyes. "Seems like Mr. Grumpypants is extra grumpy today." Stargazer teased, which earned her a glare from Winter. Just as she said that, they heard guards coming down.

"We gotta go now!" Skyfire whisper-yelled. Qibli and Stargazer nodded. They couldn't get caught, not when they were so close to getting out of there. "C'mon!" Skyfire was getting impatient, and more tense as the sound of guards talking and walking down those frozen stairs got louder and louder, as they got closer and closer.

They had to go, RIGHT NOW.

*10 minutes later*

Qibli and Stargazer sort of... Dragged him through the tunnel, while Skyfire made sure nobody was following them. It took FOREVER to reach the end! But after ages and ages, they reached the end of the tunnel.. Or the close to the end tunnel. There was still a bit of digging to go.

"I'll help dig. One of you should take a break." Skyfire offered, and started digging. Stargazer shook her head and objected. "No, it's fine. I can help." She said, and started to help Skyfire dig. Qibli sighed. "Welp. I guess I'll be on the lookout." He said, sounding disappointed.

It took some time, but after all the digging, some light started to shine through. "I see light!" Stargazer cried happily. Skyfire squealed In excitement. For once, Winter didn't scowl. He actually seemed a bit excited. Maybe he just wants to be untied... Stargazer didn't really think much about it.

Stargazer and Qibli swapped, so now Qibli was helping Skyfire dig. As they dug, more light traveled into the, less dark, tunnel.

*About 20 minutes of digging later*

"We can get out of here!" Skyfire exclaimed. Stargazer made an excited gasp, while Qibli looked out of the tunnel, his face beaming with happiness and freedom. "Now let's go! I don't want to spend another minute here!" Stargazer said, as she got a tight grip on Winter's tail and dragged him out of the tunnel, out onto the light.

"Woah. We're almost at the border of the Sand Kingdom already!" Skyfire cried. It seemed to be a 10 or 15 minute walk there. "Should we... Y'know.. Untie Winter now?" Qibli murmured. Stargazer nodded and started to untie Winter's ropes. His eyes shouted 'I hate you!' While the rest of him shouted.. 'I'm so relieved!' Huh. Strange. She thought.

"Next stop, The Stronghold!" Qibli announced, beaming with happiness to be back in his home soon. "It's good to be free." Stargazer said happily. To her amazement, Winter nodded and did a half-smile. Winter smiling is rather rare. The Nightwing thought to herself. Kingdom of Sand, here we come.

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