Chapter 12: The Mission On Talon

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 Moon was out on a 3-day-mission apparently, so sneaking into her room was quite easy. "Not gonna lie, Moon decorated her room well." Stargazer said in awe. There were these moons that seemed to be made of cactus flowers. There were also paper stars that decorated the walls. Skyfire nodded. "Now.. ANYTHING SUS?" Skyfire let out. Stargazer quickly looked around. "Look through everything?" Stargazer shrugged. She started to go to one of the drawers next to the bed and look through them. There were a lot of papers, supplies and other stuff. "Does Moon usually wear jewelry?" Skyfire asked out of the blue. Stargazer turned her head towards Skyfire. She was holding a dark-blue bracelet. "I.. Don't think so?" Stargazer assumed. Skyfire seemed to be examining the bracelet closer. While she did that, Stargazer checked under the bed. There were some old boxes and books. Could books be suspicious? Hmm.... YUP! Stargazer used her talon to try to grab one of the dusty old books from under the bed.

When she saw the cover, dust basically lived on the book. With a soft blow, she carefully blew the dust off. The title made her eyes widen. "What? What is it?" Skyfire came to where Stargazer was. Her eyes landed on the book in Stargazer's talons. "How to get an animus to possess you?!" She yelled out loud. "Shhhhh!" Stargazer shushed her. Skyfire covered her mouth. "We can't let Winter know." Stargazer said. "Yeah. Shouldn't we.. You know... Tell Sandstorm and Qibli though?" Skyfire pointed out. Stargazer took a second to think about it. "Yeah. We should." Stargazer said. She wished she had brought her pouch with her, but she didn't, so she tucked the book underneath her wing. "C'mon." Stargazer tapped Skyfire on the shoulder for her to follow. They walked out of Moon's room, and carefully closed the door so nobody knew they were in there.

They both tiptoed away from Moon's room. When they were far enough to not be heard, they ran for it to the infirmary. They had to race through to a different hallway before, finally, reaching the infirmary. Stargazer gently opened the door, trying to not make any sound to not disturb anyone. "Did you guys find anything?" Sandstorm said. Stargazer and Skyfire went inside and closed the door. "We found something, yes. Buuuuut.." She paused. "But what?" Sandstorm took a few steps back so there was some space for Stargazer and Skyfire to sit down. "We don't have much. Oh, and it's kinda creepy-ish." Stargazer shrugged, not exactly knowing how to explain her gut feeling. "Can you show me?" Sandstorm seemed to have taken notice that something was hidden under Stargazer's wing. Skyfire nodded, looking at Stargazer. "Alrighty then." She said. She laid the book on the floor.

Sandstorm's eyes widened. "How to get an animus to possess you?!" Sandstorm gasped. "Shushhhhhhhhh!" Stargazer hushed him. He nodded, still looking at the book laid down before him. "Gee... Where'd you find this?" "Moon's room." Skyfire instantly said. Sandstorm looked up at Skyfire. "Why were you- Nevermind." He paused. "Did you guys find anything else?" Stargazer and Skyfire both shook their heads. Sandstormed hummed a quiet reply. "Did you guys find anything else?" "Moon got Winter into wearing some necklace. We think it's animus-touched... Well, more of animus-cursed, if you ask me." Stargazer responded. He made a thinking face while staring at the book. "Have you looked inside the book yet?" Stargazer made a face. "Oh yes, why haven't we thought of that? Why wouldn't the first thing we did was try to open the book and READ it." She said sarcastically, while rolling her eyes. "Wait- I didn't even see you try to open it though-?" Skyfire questioned. "I tried opening it before telling you, but it has some kind of... Magic lock on it I guess."

Skyfire nodded, knowing that would make sense. "Of course the book is sealed shut..." Stargazer heard Skyfire mutter quietly. "Do you know how to unseal the book then?" Sandstorm enquired. "Nope." Stargazer and Skyfire said at the same time. He sighed. "Maybe you should get another animus then!" A voice spoke up. They all turned their heads towards the voice. It was a yellow and pink Rainwing (Since Rainwings are on the Sandwings side of this war). "Oh, I should introduce myself!" The Rainwing said, smiling, "My name is Kinkajou!" She had this excited aura around her too. "Oh! Well, I'm Skyfire, and these are my friends Stargazer, Sandstorm, oh, and the one in the crib is Qibli. He's just sleeping so don't worry." Skyfire introduced them. Kinkajou walked over to them, and sat down. "So... Do you know any animus-dragons perhaps?" Stargazer asked bluntly. Kinkajou's scales turned a slight darkish purple color. "What'cha guilty for?" Sandstorm asked normally. "Oh! Uhm.." Kinkajou seemed to not know how to explain.

"I'm guessing you know an animus." Stargazer said, looking at Kinkajou firmly. Kinkajou nodded slowly. "Can you show us to them?" Skyfire nudged Stargazer to chill out on the 'I am suspicious of you' face. "Sure! But, don't get angry at me about it." Kinkajou was now a light violet. The three of them nodded. "Alright. Follow me, but stay QUIET!" She commanded them. She crept out of the infirmary and out into the hallway. Sandstorm, Stargazer and Skyfire followed her out, closing the door. Animus dragons were rare, so it was actually quite surprising to hear that Kinkajou knew one... Well, was friends or that's what she called it. "So.... We have to fly there.." Kinkajou said. They were now outside, so they were all guessing they would fly now.

Kinkajou stretched her wings out, and rose high into the sky. Sandstorm, then Skyfire, and then lastly, Stargazer flew after her. Throughout the whole trip, Stargazer wondered who and where this animus was. It was so far in fact, that the Sun was now starting to set. "If you don't mind, Where does this animus dragon even stay ?" Skyfire questioned. Kinkajou had a bit of a nervous and anxious face when Skyfire asked the question. "Well.... Just don't hurt anyone when we reach there.." Kinkajou laughed off nervously. After a few more minutes of flying quite cautiously it started to become clearer on where they were headed. "Wait.." Skyfire muttered, begging to realize. "The animus is a SeaWing?" Stargazer asked with a raised eyebrow. Kinkajou nodded. "Well, let's hope he'll help us." Stargazer shrugged the whole 'They're a SEAWING' off. "Wait a second... How did you know they were a he?" Kinkajou, now questioning if she had been muttering her thoughts out too loudly.

Stargazer didn't even answer the question. She just looked away and stayed silent. The rest of the flight was slightly awkward. It was now pretty late, the moons were shining in the dark sky. "We shouldn't we rest?" Sandstorm called out. "Yeah! We'll continue the flight tomorrow!" Kinkajou replied, narrowing her wings to land. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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