Chapter 8: The Quinter is Rising

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It was the middle of the night.. Or that's what Stargazer thought, when she heard.. Crying? She looked over at Skyfire, who was sleeping next to her. She was shifting around, muttering something. She also had beads of sweat strain down her face. Oh. Another night terror. Stargazer reminded herself. She wrapped a wing around Skyfire, and brought her into a warm, comforting hug. It took a few moments but Skyfire slowly started to calm down. She was still a little shaky but stopped crying and muttering.

Stargazer smiled softly. Huh, The Sun's already up. Eh, I'll get up later. Stargazer thought. The feeling in the room was cozy and warm. It made her want to just stay in bed all day, but of course, that probably won't happen. What probably will happen is: Her having to drag Skyfire out of bed to get breakfast. The Sun rose higher in the sky, and light shone through the window. She heard Qibli and Winter talking about something in their room. It was something about Winter having a nightmare... Or Night terror like Skyfire. Well, Winter had a traumatic past. I feel bad. Stargazer thought to herself. She stayed in bed for a few more minutes until she (Quickly) Became bored. Lets do some spying. She decided to put her plan into action now.

She shook Skyfire's shoulder's with her talons. "Skyfire, wake up!" which she then continued doing for the next two minutes. At this point, she was going to either drag her out of bed or dump a bucket of water on her face. Which one sounds better?.. Dragging or water? Eh. I'll just drag her out of bed and dump water on her after. She grabbed Skyfire's talons, and started to drag her out of the bed. Dragging her was harder than carrying her. But after about 10 minutes, she FINALLY dragged her off the bed. Now, lets get water. There was a small bucket of water in the corner of the room. Stargazer went over to it, and scooped up two talons full of water. Then she carefully stepped over to Skyfire, and dumped the water all over her face. "WHAT THE HECK!?". Skyfire yelled. She steadily opened her eyes to see she was on the floor and Stargazer was standing beside her laughing. "Really?" Skyfire growled, wiping the water off her face. Stargazer's laughter died down. "How else was I supposed to wake you up?" She said, as she helped Skyfire sit up and dry off.

"Why did you even want me to wake up?" Skyfire asked, as she wiped off some water off her horn. Stargazer smirked. "You wanna do some spying?" She asked. Skyfire nodded, an evil grin forming on her face. "Hell yes!" Skyfire exclaimed as she charged out the door, right into a Sandwing dragonet. They both fell to the ground. Stargazer went over to them and helped them both up. That was when she recognised the Sandwing. "Sandstorm!" Stargazer cried happily. She gave him a quick hug, wanting to introduce him to Skyfire. "Skyfire, this is my friend Sandstorm. Sandstorm, this is my friend Skyfire." She said. Sandstorm gave her a friendly smile, as he turned to Stargazer again. "Why are you two here?" He enquired. Stargazer made a face. "Uhm... That's a long story.." Stargazer trailed off.

"Well, tell me later then?" He seemed to like Skyfire (AS A FRIEND! DON'T THINK THE OTHER WAY!) already. Stargazer nodded. He made a small laugh. "So.. Which one of you screamed 'Hell yes' at the top of their lungs?" He tried not to laugh, but couldn't hide a cheeky smile. Stargazer and Skyfire just looked at each other. "Uhm.." Skyfire started. "Not me." Stargazer said. Skyfire gave her a betrayed look. "BETRAYAL! AFTER ALL WE'VE BEEN THROUGH!" She yelled dramatically. Sandstorm couldn't hold back his laughter any longer. He let out a big laugh that echoed through the halls. Although, if you were to ask Stargazer, she would think that the dramatic yell made Qibli and Winter wake up. This was mainly because after Skyfire yelled, they ran out the door, only to see them standing there.

"Who broke in!?" Winter yelled as he looked around frantically. "Uhm.. Nobody." Skyfire managed to murmur out. Stargazer facetaloned, sighing. "Yeah, I can see you two getting along great." Sandstorm said sarcastically, ending it with a small chuckle. Qibli laughed slightly, while Winter rolled his eyes. "Well, I didn't know you knew Sandstorm." Qibli said, a smile on his face. "We've been talking through letters for some time now. There are a few others, but maybe we'll tell you about them later." Stargazer explained. Qibli nodded. "Can we get something to eat?" Skyfire said suddenly. I swear, if the heat is already getting to her. Stargazer sighed and nodded.

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