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"I said am hungry!!!!!"

"What the hell have I gotten myself into" I look into the red shinning eyes of a woman who's acting like a child.

"I feel weak and tired" she huffs dramatically.

"Ok what am I going to tell the school basically your son Lucius" I said.

"Son? What do you mean by son?" It was written all over her that she was confused as I was.

"Uhmmmm, Lucius the baby you gave birth to before you died 200 years ago" I tried to explain the best I could to her.

"Baby I can't remember having a child talk less of dieing" she proudly said.


Then what do you mean by you being the wife of Dracula and where is your babies?" I asked waiting for answers.

"Well I just read what is written on your shirt, beside you were asking me weird questions. I think I have a headache" she said much to my surprise.

"What the hell!!!!!!"


"What do you mean your going to the palace?" One thing about my siblings is that they can be very loud basically Draco, and men I feel so sleepy.

"Yes, am going and there's nothing any of you can do about it" I said to them.

"Was it Aamon that called a witch to cast a spell on you?" Luna immediately shifted the blame to Aamon.

"And what's that suppose to mean" Aamon said taking off his glasses.

"Everyone knows your the bad child so it's possible you casted a spell on him" Draco interfered.

"Now I regret not killing you both the moment I had the chance to" he said.

"Does you going there has anything to do with your mom?" Ozul's the only one who can really read me well among this four idiots.

"Yes. Now would you guys let me sleep am tired" I said before they could ask me anymore questions.


"And what on heavens name are we doing here?"

"You said you were hungry so am here to get you something woman" I was already exhausted.

"Wowwwww, mind if I pick? Everything here looks so tasty" she immediately begin to pick items and put them in the mini basket.

"Am definitely going to go broke at this rate" I said as I watch her clear the whole snacks area.

"That would be 80 dollar and 25 cent"

"Thank you. Come on let's go" I dragged along a woman who just came back from the dead like she was my little sister.

We where now at a public resting place.

"Hmmmm, this taste delicious, I can't even remember the last time I eat anything" she said opening a bag of chips.

"What's the last thing you remembered?" I asked.

"Let me see" puts her hand on her chin. "I can't remember anything, anyway that's it.

"(What she said immediately got me pissed) what do you mean by that is it? Aren't you curious about what happened in your past life or why your alive after dieing for close to two hundred years?" I said.

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