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"Do you think she's the real Elisabeta? Or just a spirit from hell?" I don't know why am having doubt about my mom.

"I understand why your asking, but she's truly your mom Lucius, but I don't get how she got resurrected from death? And mostly why from a mated vampire?" Said Aunty Delilah who had a cup of blood wine.

"I think all of this has to do with Heli. Remember what he said, that as he was trying to suck the spoilt blood from her, she changed into mom, and from what we both know Heli has the blood of my bastard father Dracula, maybe that brought a link with the living and the dead" I spoke out.

"You might be right, but one thing I can't really understand is how your father haven't know he's greatest desire is alive? Or is all this is doing?...."

   "I pray not" I said.


"Are you going to lock yourself all day, because of Maya?" I can't believe Heli is acting like Maya is actually dead.

"Maybe when you lose one of your brothers you will know this feeling"

  Because of what he said I got angry and lost control of myself, landing a blow on his face. "You really are shameless. Get yourself together and face reality."

"Is that why you blowed me?" He asked with a angry expression.

"Yes and I will do that again and again, till you behave yourself.

"What do you expect me to do? I don't even know if Maya is in her? And no one is saying anything about her. And because of that am F**KING MISREABLE" his voice were louder than his action.

"I understand, but am sure they know what they are doing" I tried to give him hopes with my words, even if they are meaningless to him.

"Yeah me too"


"Thanks for that day Lucius, having lunch with you was amazing, but what about Heli? I haven't t seen him?" My cheerful mother asked like she already had a liking to Heli.

"Do you really like him?" I wasn't sure why but I just had to ask.

"Well yes" with her hand on her chin. "Maybe it's because he was the first person I met when I woke up. Tell me why do you have a photo of me here when you haven't met me before?"

"I've already told you that am your son but you just don't believe me" one would definitely know how unhappy I was.

"But how? I've never met you before? And how would I have a son that's grown up like you? But wait for me to have a child means I had an affair with someone?" She looked more concerned and focused.

"Yes your precious husband DRACULA" I said in an angry tune.

"Dra__cu_la, DR_AC_LAA. There is no way" her hands were already on her head like someone who is losing control of herself.

"Mom are you okay?" I rushed to her side. "Hey breath in, calm down!! Calm down!!!" I hugged her as her breathing became steady. "What happened?" I asked my mother like she was about to lose herself.

"Where's Dracula? Where is he?" She stood up looking left and right, and am surprised cause it's like she lost some part of her memory.

"Mom calm down" I stood up and walked to her. "Dracula is not here" I said to her.

"What do you mean by his not here? We are meant to get married in the next two days, so where is he?" She said with a furious look.

"What are you talking about?" At this point I was already confused.

"Where's the castle? Did they take Dracula? Don't take me they took him" she fell on her knees and begin to shed tears. "And he doesn't know we are expecting a child" she look at me with eyes filled with pity.

"Hey listen"


"Am sorry for disturbing, but Lucius your attention is needed downstairs" Ozul who interrupted us with his sudden presence.

"What's going on?" I asked him, as I helped my mom lay down on her bed.

He took a breath before he spoke "we have an unexpected guest" he stiffly said.

"Ok. I will be back" I said to my mom who was still holding my hand.

"Are you going to find my husband?" She asked.

I only gave her a smile before I left the room and headed downstairs with Ozul, and to my surprise my father who I haven't seen for over 80 years was not standing alive and healthy at my front with every students and dozens of Vampire Lords.


"just leave already Luna" I said to Luna who has been in my room for the whole day.

"But how would I leave when your not okay?" She said.

Immediately a loud noise from downstairs broke through our ears. "What was that noise?" I asked.

"Let's go check" she said, as we both quietly went outside and looked down to see almost everyone lifeless on the floor.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Dracula he's here" Luna said with a trembling voice. Immediately I recognize that face, cause it's the same face that always appear in my dream before I became a vampire.

"SHIT!!! we can't let them get near Elisabeta, if not we are doom" thankfully Luna understood the message as we both rushed down the hall with hopes Elisabeta is safe.

"SHIT!!! we can't let them get near Elisabeta, if not we are doom" thankfully Luna understood the message as we both rushed down the hall with hopes Elisabeta is safe

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