*|| He Wear's Cheap Cologne ||*

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Song to listen to for this part: Delicate by Taylor Swift

As I heard my dad's voice echoing through the house, it hit me like a sudden storm on a sunny day, bringing back memories of my kindergarten crush breaking up with me. How could I have forgotten such a simple task as telling my dad about Red? But now, as I stood at the threshold of the living room, ready for whatever awaited me, Red's once charming smile contorted into a mask of fear.

"Hello, sir, my name is Red. I'm here to take Sophia out for lunch," Red declared, his eyes briefly meeting mine before shifting uncomfortably.

Ah, manners. A glimmer of hope.

"Well, 'Red', I wasn't informed of any such plans. It seems Sophie here has conveniently forgotten the rules she's grown up with," my dad responded, his gaze piercing through me.

Red seemed lost, drowning in a sea of embarrassment. What would happen next? Oh, I could predict it: my dad was about to show him the door.

"Go on home, Red. Clearly, you've made a mistake by showing up uninvited," my dad stated firmly, gesturing towards the exit.

"Dad, please, why can't I go?" I protested as Red disappeared through the door.

"You never bothered to mention anything about a boy coming over and whisking my daughter away to who knows where!" My dad's frustration echoed off the walls as he slammed his hand against the wall.

My arms trembled as I stood in the center of the room, crushed by humiliation. Red wouldn't be coming back, that much was certain. He'd probably avoid me like the plague now, fearing my dad's sudden appearance.

"I've been getting to know him, Dad. He's not just some random boy; he's really nice. Why can't you trust me to figure him out before subjecting him to the third degree? A guy shouldn't have to face an interrogation before even knowing the girl he might be interested in," I argued, defiance firm in my stance.

Tod looks at me, worry in his eyes.

"I just want you to listen, Sophie. Really listen. Hear the words of the man who provides for you, who gives you everything you need to live a comfortable life."

His words felt like a slap in the face, leaving me with a sting of anger and disbelief. How could he say such things when he knows I've done nothing wrong? I've never let anyone take advantage of me, let alone dated anyone. But in that moment, with my heart pounding and my mind racing, I knew there was only one thing I could do.

Avoiding my father's gaze, I bolted out the door, signaling frantically for Red to open the car door. As soon as it clicked open, I leaped inside and urged him to drive. Red, visibly shaken, complied, speeding away from the suffocating atmosphere of my home.

"I thought your dad said you couldn't come with me?" Red asked, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

As we drove, the scent of Red's cologne filled the car, a familiar aroma that reminded me of countless guys at school. It wasn't anything special, just a cheap fragrance from a local shop. But amidst the darkness and the rustle of trees outside, I found a strange comfort in its familiarity.

"I'm sorry for barging in like that," I said, breaking the tense silence.

"No need to apologize. I should've known better than to--"

"It's not your fault. My dad has a talent for ruining moments," I interjected, cutting off his self-blame.

Pulling into the Cheesecake Factory parking lot, I was surprised by Red's choice of venue. Despite not being a huge fan of cheesecake, there were a few flavors that I couldn't resist.

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