||* At This Point I'm a Homie Hopper *||

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Song to listen to for this part: Cigarette Daydreams by Cage The Elephant

I slam the phone down, my heart pounding as if it's trying to escape my chest. Struggling to move, I drag myself towards the window beside my bed, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through me, making the room spin.

"Why is he here?" I mutter, peeking through the curtains.

Cameron sits in his white Ford, grinning like he's won a prize. I shake my head, gesturing for him to leave, but he just sits there, as stubborn as ever. Can't he take a hint?

My phone rings again, his name flashing on the screen. Reluctantly, I answer.

"Why are you at my house, Cameron?" I demand, gripping the phone tightly.

"I wanted to make things right, Sophie. I know it won't be easy, but I had to try," he says, his voice sincere.

"So you decided to show up uninvited in the middle of the night? It's almost midnight," I retort, edging away from the window, suddenly self-conscious in my lack of clothes.

"Yeah, I was hoping you'd come out and talk. Please, just give me a chance," he pleads.

His words ignite a fire within me.

"Give you a chance? Seriously, Cameron? It's hard to trust someone who's played games with me, and acted like they cared, only to end up with someone else in their bed. And surprise, surprise, it's the girl you swore was just a friend," I snap, trying to keep my voice down. "And turn off your headlights, you're going to wake up the whole neighborhood."

The headlights flick off instantly, followed by a heavy sigh on the other end of the line.

"I'm sorry, okay? Let me make it up to you. Just climb out your window and come with me," he says, a hopeful tone creeping into his voice.

Against my better judgment, I find myself opening the window. It's like he has some strange power over me, clouding my thoughts and making me do things I wouldn't normally consider. As I climb into his truck, his eyes wander over me, and he chuckles.

"In a short night dress, barefoot, and with that grin on your face," he remarks, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Don't think flattery will get you off the hook," I retort, closing the door with a quiet thud.

"Hey, I meant it as a compliment. You look adorable when you're a little reckless," he says, starting the engine.

Confused by his words, I just smile weakly and let him drive, realizing too late that I've left everything behind, including my phone. Now I understand why he said I was "reckless", but maybe being disconnected isn't such a bad thing, at least for now. After all, it's not like I can't handle a little adventure.

After what feels like an eternity of staring out the window, the truck finally grinds to a halt.

"Welcome to our destination, princess," Cameron beams, darting out of the car to open my door.

My cheeks flush involuntarily. Seriously, who doesn't melt a little inside when they're called 'princess'? Stepping out, I'm greeted by the sight of a vast lake, its surface shimmering under the moon's gentle glow.

"Wow, this is stunning," I murmur, careful not to trip on uneven ground.

"It sure is, but you still manage to outshine it," Cameron says, hands landing lightly on my shoulders.

"Cameron, remember what we talked about? No more flirting—at least not for the next ten minutes," I remind him with an eye roll before wandering closer to the water.

Suddenly, Cameron hoists me over his shoulder, carrying me towards the lake's edge.

"Does this bring back memories?" he chuckles, his grip firm around my thighs.

"Hey, put me down!" I protest, squirming in his grasp.

"Not until... you forgive me," he says, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Oh, so this was your grand plan all along? Holding me hostage until I crack and forgive you? How thoughtful, Cam," I tease, surrendering to the ride.

"If I wanted to hold you hostage, trust me, you'd be tied up in my room and forgiveness would be automatic," he quips, setting me down gently on the grass.

"Ugh, gross," I shoot back, though secretly I know he's right.

He's not begging or being childish about it; I can sense his sincerity. The only thing keeping me from forgiving him is the fear of getting hurt again. Can I really trust him? Is this relationship worth pursuing, or is he just after a fling? If it's the latter, maybe I need to take a step back now.

Song to listen to for this part: Perfectly Out Of Place by Dreams We've Had

"Cameron, what's going on?" I asked, arms folded, as we stood by the lake's edge.

He kept his gaze fixed on the water, but unexpected tears welled up in his eyes. A gust of wind swept through, carrying the chilly scent of winter.

"Cameron?" I touched his shoulder, concern creeping into my voice.

"Sophie," he began, his voice breaking, "my dad passed away last night."

My heart plummeted, and words failed me.

"Oh my God, Cameron, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. This is awful," I murmured, pulling him into a tight hug, his tears soaking into my dress.

"I drank so much last night, just trying to forget. My mom and sister were at the hospital with him. He crashed the car bringing them home. Luckily, they're okay," Cameron sobbed into my arms as I held him close.

The cold wind made us both shiver, and we sank to the ground, clutching each other.

"Come here," I whispered, drawing him nearer, running my fingers through his hair and gripping his shirt.

For about 30 minutes, we sat there in front of his truck, sharing the weight of the night's sorrows. Then, breaking the silence, he looked up at me from where he lay against my chest.

"I wish I hadn't drunk so much. I could have told you sooner, instead of throwing that stupid party. But alcohol... it's like my painkiller. It gets me through," he confessed.

"Drinking isn't healing, Cameron. It's just numbing. You need to face your pain, not hide from it," I replied gently.

"But if I'm numb, I'm fine. If I hurt, it shows. I have to be strong for my mom, for my sister," Cameron insisted, stretching out on the grass.

"You don't always have to be strong, Cameron. It's okay to let go sometimes," I urged, playing with his hair.

"I guess I am letting go right now... and that's okay?" he asked, a faint chuckle in his voice.

"It's more than okay," I smiled down at him.

Suddenly, he cupped my cheek and leaned in for a kiss. It wasn't passionate or demanding; it was comforting and reassuring. We smiled at each other, silently agreeing it was time to head home.

"By the way, I forgive you," I murmured as we turned the corner to my neighborhood.

"Thank you, Sophia," he replied, his smile genuine.

"You can stop here. I don't want my parents to know," I said quickly, opening the car door.

"Sure thing," Cameron agreed. "Thank you for tonight. It was the first time in a long time that I didn't feel like I was walking through hell."

"I'm glad," I blew him a kiss, then hurriedly crawled through my window and collapsed into bed, enveloped in blankets. 

I felt a rush of contentment as I realized how much I'd cherished the night. Glancing at my phone, I saw it was already 2:49 am on Wednesday. With a smile, I sent Cameron a goodnight text and closed my eyes, ready for some much-needed sleep.

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