||* Here We Go Again *||

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Song to listen to for this part: Getaway Car by Taylor Swift

In Cameron's room, I waited anxiously as minutes dragged on. Doubts crept in, overshadowing the warmth of our earlier intimacy. With a heavy heart, I left his peaceful room and descended into the chaos below. There, amidst the noise, I saw something that shattered me: Cameron with the girl he had invited earlier, kissing her passionately. Tears welled up as I stood frozen, feeling utterly lost in the middle of the bustling party. Embarrassment washed over me, and I fled, running out into the darkness. But even as I ran, I couldn't escape the pain of locking my eyes with Cameron, his eyes filling with tears and regret as he threw his drink to the floor. Running through the unfamiliar streets, I dialed Red's number, which I had unexpectedly remembered. With each step, I left the hurt behind, ready to move forward.

Red quickly picked up the phone leaving me no room to wait.

"Hey, Sophia." He'd say in a soft tone.

"Please come get me. I don't know what street I'm on I just know It's near Cameron's place." I sob into the phone, having trouble making out my words.

"I'm on my way. I'll find you." He responds.

It took about twenty minutes of me waiting on some curb down the street in the dark for Red to arrive because their houses were a good bit away from each other. But when he did, there was no need for words. Red just knew – he sensed something was up without me having to spill it all out. And that's what I admired about him – he understood the value of silence, unlike most guys who'd start drilling you with questions the second you hopped in the car.

"Sophia, whatever happened I want you to know that it'll be okay from here, alright?" He places a hand on my thigh.

I'd creep my head over to look him in his blue eyes, "Thank you, Red."

As my head spun and every muscle in my body screamed in protest, Red came to my rescue, offering to carry me inside. I couldn't help but feel a hit of gratitude mixed with the ache of heartbreak as he effortlessly lifted me from the car and into his house. Despite the weight of my emotions, I found myself drawn to him, unable to tear my gaze away. Settled on his bed, I watched with curiosity as Red prepared a warm bubble bath for me in his oversized tub. It was like he knew exactly what I needed without me having to say a word. And as if that wasn't thoughtful enough, he even left out a set of his own clothes for me to change into afterward, a silent gesture of comfort and care once again. Once he left me to soak in peace, I couldn't help but wonder why he had brought me into his room. It wasn't until I took in the spaciousness of the room and the luxurious tub that it dawned on me – Red had created this sanctuary for me, a safe haven to escape from the chaos of the outside world. And in that moment, I couldn't help but feel grateful for his kindness and generosity.

After I enjoyed an hour in the tub, I got out changed into Red's clothes, and shut off the bathroom lights. As I entered his room he was peacefully sleeping cozied up in his bed. I can't blame the poor boy, It's midnight and I'm feeling a weight of sleepiness as well. For some reason I couldn't think to go sleep in the guest room that night, I had to have his comfort once again, and I did. Slipping into the blankets that covered him, I scooted as close as I could to the warmth of his body.

Without talking, Red wraps his arms around me which almost feels like a heating pad. I could tell we were both smiling, so to make more of the moment I flipped around to face him, and before I could say anything, he kissed me, pulling me closer as he continued. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around my whole body and shifted me toward him, and I grabbed back. That's exactly how we slept the whole night.

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