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Enjoy babiesss


"Has it really gotten that bad?" I asked her worried, I loved my father more than anything, and the condition he was in is my fault.

"Of course! And guess who's fault it is I'm about to loose my husband and you can't even help me out?!" She said as I couldn't help but run a hand through my head at that. The toxic feeling of guilt rushing over me once again.

"I know." I said with a sigh. "How much do you need?" I asked, I was willing to give everything in order to save my father, there was a high chance he could live, but he just won't wake from the coma yet.

"100 grand." She said. I knew that was coming, but whatever. She probably only needed just 40 for the hospital bills, but I know she wants money for her own self as well.

"I'll send it in a few days." I told her and she huffs. "Really? A few days? I don't have a few days, they're trying to kick me out now! You already ruined my life! Now you won't even treat me right?!" She said and I felt myself gaining a headache.

"Fine. Bye." I said before hanging up. I was really tired of hearing her voice. I immediately sent the money to her account before setting my phone down with a sigh.

Luckily I had my jacket on still as it was a bit breezy out here. Where we're eating at is still inside the building, I was outside.

I tried calming myself down by looking at the city below where I stood, trying to focus on nothing but the lights of the buildings and street lights, or the sound of cars honking or other commotion going on. It was always a method to help me not cry, but right now it wasn't working.

I couldn't get the image of my father in the hospital bed on life support out of my mind, and it hurt, bad. I felt my eyes get teary and I immediately started rubbing them, trying to stop it before it fully began, but it didn't work, they came pooling down my face anyway.

I couldn't go back inside with puffy eyes, everyone would know I had cried, and I don't want them to. Especially Jungwon, he'd ask to many questions if he was still at my house when I left here, and I'd definitely break down then. So I hope he wasn't still at my house when I get home.

I looked down more, seeing just how far up we were from the ground floor. From up this high, if I fell, there'd likely be no chance of me really going through any pain as I fall to the ground.

But I knew I couldn't do that. Not that I didn't have the courage to, but because I was the only source of income to my father, if I gave up, so would he. And he's the only thing keeping me here, even when I really don't want to be.

I let out a sigh. Before suddenly I'm getting tapped on the shoulder, I wiped away the last tear on my cheek before turning slightly. It was Sunghoon, and he was looking at me worried.

"You ok?" He asked me and I immediately looked back to the front of me. Anytime someone asked me that, it was always so hard to keep it together, but I didn't want to burden anyone with my sadness tonight, so I held it in once again.

"I'm fine." I said, but I know my tone and demeanor said otherwise. I heard him let out a small sigh before he's suddenly grabbing me by my wrist and turning me towards him, it happened too quickly and I wasn't expecting it so I couldn't exactly react.

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