More info about: S-682 (Mamba's acid)

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S-682 is an experimental radioactive nanite acid that can self multiply and be released in either a gas or liquid form.

 The nanites that make up this acid are also highly radioactive and does require that employees wear radiation protection gear when handling them in their gas form, as well as highly advanced gas mask filters made up of (Redacted) to block the nanites from getting into your lungs, skin and other systems, as just the smallest whiff of these things could very well kill you. These nanites cannot be controlled in any way shape or form either meaning that they can't tell friend from foe, and can stay active in an area for extremely long periods of time. On that note the nanites have also been known to dismember enemy androids, and majorly damage any internal systems. large clouds of this acid have been known to dissolve human flesh and skin in a short period of time. If you think you inhaled the gas form of this acid, seek medical attention immediately, symptoms include: irritation and redness of the throat, difficulty breathing, headache, chest pains, weakness, long coughing fits, minor radiation burns around the mouth, nose, or throat.

When handling the acid in its liquid form employees are required to wear radiation as well as acid proof suits and the advanced gas masks with filters. The liquid form of the acid offers a much quicker fate than the gas counterpart, and has been known to chew through lvl. 4 juggernaut armor in seconds. This form can either be injected or splashed onto the target, if the target has been injected with the acid the nanites in it will automatically go through the bloodstream and into the heart where it'll begin to dissolve the target from the inside out, if it's splashed onto the target the target will begin to dissolve the second the acid makes contact and start spreading to other parts of the body. Androids or other robots hit by the acid will first have any and all critical systems destroyed first before moving on. extremely small amounts on the skin have shown to do no major harm. If you believe  you have been affected by this liquid form of acid seek medical attention immediately, symptoms include: small holes in skin (No bigger than 1 inch in diameter), minor radiation burns, chest pain, burning sensations throughout the body, throwing up blood or green liquid, strong stomach pains. 

Thanks for reading, this section of the 'techno-radiology' handbook, and we hope you have a nice day working for ANDtech.

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