More info about: B.L.I.N.D androids

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B.L.I.N.D androids are extremely dangerous androids typically used in tight areas and are capable of causing mass casualties in a matter of minutes more info below.

B.L.I.N.D androids are generally 7 feet to 8'5 feet in height and are usually identified mainly by their steel blindfold, back spines, and holographic eye to better express emotions. B.L.I.N.Ds, despite being absolutely terrifying in combat are really just depressed androids that really want to be left alone in their room most, if not, all the time, except for the rare but more extroverted ones. B.L.I.N.D androids are terrifying in combat because of a combat coding that makes them bloodthirsty and sadistic.

Their armor consists of heavy plates that are near impossible to break or destroy. Despite their height and the weight of their armor they are extremely fast, being able to swing at blinding speeds. They are also incredibly strong, being able to lift and throw a tank or multiple tanks with ease.

Their weapons don't include guns due to them being blind and usually rely on melee or mid range weapons, chains, blades, saw launchers, tails (spike, spiked ball, or just a ball) made of razor wire or chain, and more. Their dual layered shredder claws are capable of turning human flesh and bone into a blood stain, and even if you did survive you'd bleed out in seconds. 

B.L.I.N.Ds have echolocators located near the ears that can turn sound into a vague picture, their hearing is also extremely sensitive as well and can pick up footsteps several hundred feet away. For some the spines on their back have a sonar system in the tip that allows them to get a very brief picture of the environment. Shriekers are located in the neck/throat that allows them to make a stunning Shriek.

Their weaknesses are very high frequency sounds that can stun them for a brief period, energy powered railguns have been proven to punch through their armor, staying quiet will allow you to not get detected.

There are a few rare occasions where B.L.I.N.Ds aren't blind though their eyesight isn't perfect it still allows them to see.

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