More info about: rocket leapers

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Rocket leaper androids are a lightweight but high damage rate android type capable of jumping from one building to the next in a single leap while raining down missiles from above. More info below:

Rocket leapers are usually lightweight and very fast while also able to turn corners without losing much speed. They look surprisingly similar to terror-droids and usually have terror-droid variations.

Their armor is very lightweight but also fairly resistant to medium caliber gunfire. They have grappling hooks located in the shoulders, trophy systems that can destroy micro missiles and redirect medium size missiles, and powerful thrusters on the legs, feet, or back.

As you might expect rocket leapers are equipped with a wide variety of missiles and grenade launchers from clusters, to blades, or high explosive. Though they usually stick to higher buildings in the rare situations that they get into a close quarters combat situation they are armed with a gun of their choice.

Like terror-droids rocket leapers are made for hit and run combat tactics but they just deal a lot more damage in a shorter time frame. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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