More info about: Titan androids.

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Titan androids, put short, are the war machines out of all the other war machines. They are tall (no they are like stories tall), they are destructive and well... you get the point, here's some more info about them anyway.

Titan androids are typically curious about anything or anyone below their height, and they tend to be more playful and will often use their height to joke around with people (i.e. picking people up). But they can be violent when necessary, and are perfectly capable of destroying buildings just by kicking them, which is also why they're usually kept in hangars just outside said city or on a landing strip for aircraft, because of this most titans are normally shy due to being restricted from social activity. Despite being machines of mass destruction they do know how to control their strength and are sometimes called gentle giants.

Titan androids are also fitted with armor made just for them consisting of heavy plates that can take quite the beating, in one test the armor survived a explosion 100 feet away from a MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs) and was minimally damaged and didn't require many repairs. Holo-shield generators can be located in the shoulders of a titan and generate a shield that can take most ranged hits but has been proven to be ineffective at blocking melee attacks. Some titans have thrusters built into their backs for a temporary speed boost though this will overwork their core.

Titans are equipped with probably the biggest weapons we got, 70-100mm howitzers, triple or quad barreled miniguns, 40mm guns, hundreds of micro missile launchers in the legs and arms, hammers or swords you name it!

Though they are near impossible to take down they do have weaknesses, one of them being their shear size being stories tall doesn't really let them walk around without destroying something. Titan cores can also overheat or get overworked easily but the producers can never seem to find the problem to that, so we use the titans when absolutely necessary. They are also very slow but make up for it by being an absolute tank.

The majority of titans are mute and prefer to communicate via text or sign language though some do have the ability to speak, some not very well. 

And that's all ya need to know about titan androids. 

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