Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Ten years later...

Once shining as the light of hope now dimmed to nothing more than the cold coals of a desolate fire. Dimming with the idea of ever being free again, even if there had ever been such a thought left. Such thoughts were worthless to have. Abandoning them as soon as they formed was best, for the soul wrenching pain of them being lost drove one to insanity.

I'd given up a long time ago. Shifting to lay my head against the wall to look out at the small piece of dark grey sky flecked with dark smoke through the barred slit of window was the only pass time given to me. It wasn't much to look at, but neither was anything in the hell hole of a wasteland.

My chains clinked and rattled as I shifted around trying to find comfort against the cold stone to ease the pain of my recent wounds. They were hollow sounds that kept what little of my sanity I had left intact and reminded me of why they were there. I was covered in a cold sweat, itching to move. They had chained me after a battle with the Elves and humans had passed not long ago, scared of what I might do otherwise while battle maddened.

There had been thousands of them screaming war cries over the vast land they had wished to conquer. Wishing they could wipe the beasts from the continent. However, they came on to the Black Blood land unprepared and that was all it took for the turned wizards to take it as a challenge.

The humans had wished to cross the vast territory of the beasts, conquering as they went to lay claim to the narrow sea on the other side. However, the Black Bloods had been prepared calling out in their bone chilling howls. Running from their dens of dark debauchery to fight and cut down their newly founded foes.

Their king, who was called Colas the Slaughter, ordered my release upon the mortal army. I had been tortured until I was on the edge of changing into my true form, the form of a silver dragon in a fit of madness. As I was released from my stone prison, chains slamming to the ground in clangs of iron, the sounds of men yelling only heightened my blood rage.

Screaming women, roars of the Black Bloods and metal clashing against metal pushed me over the edge. With a roar of bloodcurdling fury at the sounds piercing my skull like a white-hot dagger I shifted into my other form, skin splitting, blood dripping to free silver scales. Bone bending, breaking and cracking into new shapes as my skull elongated, fangs dripping through snarled lips.

I remember slaying and slaughtering everything and everyone that was placed in my way.

My long silver claws and fangs ripping anything that came in contact. My silver scales splattered in a glistening ruby red spray of blood and shining as if encrusted with millions of red diamonds. My teeth covered in deep crimson in a snarling grin, my neck dripping ribbons of dark colored blood, making pathways down my body. My mind was raging in so many directions I couldn't focus on one path causing me to wildly lash out against things both real and imagined.

Human, Elven and Black Bloods alike in my way perished.

It hurt; it hurts so badly!

When all were dead the remaining beasts spent hours trying to get me back in human form clamped in these cursed enchanted iron chains. I raged until my mind calmed through sheer exhaustion, hung in my chains against the cold stone wall awaiting them to torture me again as they worked their forbidden magic over me in their ghastly experimentations.

The sky was now black, and I was only able to see a single star far off in the distance, a star shining in the darkness all on its own.

One day I will be able to see the night sky freely, millions of stars burning bright rather than just that sole star winking at me. I had heard someone talk of the moon in the dungeon and someday soon, I will see that moon even if it kills me.

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