Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The morning wakeup call came with a scream as icy water was poured over me. Without thinking I jumped from the bed, soaking wet, and launched myself at the person holding the bucket. I sank my claws in the shirt of the person tackling them to the ground, my sleep fogged brain instantly in fight mode, hazed with the insanity I get during battle. I was about to rip out the person's throat when two other sets of hands were replaced quickly upon me.

I let the first person go and turned on to the others, baring my teeth. I didn't see the faces of the people for I was already too far into my insanity. My mind and senses filled with blind rage and remembered agony.

The people came at me quickly, their feet pounding across the wooden planks of the floor. I grabbed one with each hand, fisting in their shirts and threw them at the far wall. They quickly got up, yelling for someone else. They ran out of the room, and I followed them, the dark magic, dripping from my fingertips in dark sparks and in my soul telling me to enjoy this.

Enjoy the hunt; enjoy the kill, it hissed in my mind.

Running swiftly up the stairs in a trace I burst out into the light of the ship's main deck.

The two stopped to stare at me in horror and I felt my mouth twist in an evil snarl of a smile.

"This will be fun," I hissed.

I stalked them, trailing them slowly to draw out my own fun and pulled out a tread of my magic. The sun unnaturally clouded over in thick dark fog as lightning lit the sky afire setting thunder to shriek in the air. The sound of which sounded like a thousand demons' screams.

I held out my arms looking to where my prey stood in fear with narrow eyes and hair whipping wildly around me. The harsh wind whipped around me showing dominance, encouraging me to do my worst.

People came up behind me, but I barely noticed their presence. The wind buffed them, knocked them back.

"Night, stop there, it's no use! She's gone insane!" a woman screamed into the wind.

"I have too!" a boy yelled back.

I focused my attention on two of my prey. As lightning struck above me in javelins of sparking light I laughed at an evil twisted sound.

"Strike them down," I hissed.

The lightning struck just barely over their heads, singeing their hair. Then a pair of thick arms wrapped around my waist suddenly yanking me away. I turned, prepared to attack claws out, but the arms held me to a large chest when I tried to spin around in them.

I paused for a moment smelling something familiar. Something that crept through the murderous haze and then they hugged me tight.

"Stop, please..." came a deep but small pleading whisper.

Something snapped within me, the wind shrieked in outraged protest as it died to early, but before it did it ripped me out of the arms of the man who had snatched me up and lifted me in the air.

As it disappeared in a sudden rush, I hung there in the air, the lightning flicking through the clouds with thunder crying bloodcurdling screams overhead. The magic in the air around me formed together in a dark spike and lanced me through my chest piercing my heart. Wrenching me out of my insanity I screamed, the same sound as the thunder in a deep draconic roar. I looked below me to the ship dazedly. The two boys laid at the end of the deck laying still as death and the others stared at me in frigid horror.

The rain poured, crying over us all. I slowly fell from the sky smacking into the deck, a second time, so hard the wood groaned and shuddered in protest to it.

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