Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

It would appear that time was not on my side at the moment as I rushed to untangle some of my long black hair as I was ushered by four very tall tree trunk-like warriors to the very heart of the palace that was the Magic Academy of Hiedel.

Rin had been by my side when the summons had come the moment our feet touched the palace's main ground level. Rin had looked at me with wide eyes from behind her reading glasses and her jaw dropped.

"Who wants to see her?" she asked in a strangled voice to the giant warriors who would be my soon to be escorts.

"The Headmasters, my lady," said the tallest one, bedecked in a fine white tunic with silver stitching that matched his eyes. He was a rather handsome giant over seven feet tall, but his voice was too deep, too powerful for just a giant.

It made me shiver.

Rin continued to gape like a fool at the man and I felt a prick of the dark magic on the back of my neck.

"What do they want?" I hissed between sharpening fangs. Calm down, I commanded myself. Those blindingly sharp silver eyes turned to mine and there was a spark between the two of us.

A battle of wills, a battle of power and rank. "The overseers of this school," he replied coolly, "and they need to speak to you. Now." The last word was a growl.

Then it hit me. Why this giant was being so rude. He wasn't a giant, at least not fully, no, he wasn't. He smelled of a Fenrir wolf. He was nothing more than a giant, monstrous wolf in a mortal's body.

An evil grin twisted my lips as the spark of dark olc magic came out. "As you wish, Fenrir."

The giant's eyes narrowed; his lips twitched in a silent snarl. He grabbed me by the arm and hauled me up to face him.

My feet were felt daggling off the ground.

"Keep that to you, Elf," he snarled, and dropped me as Rin gasped. Rin rushed over to where I laid on the ground, sprawled out on the floor, glaring at the giant brute.

"You big idiot!" Rin seethed. "What do you think you're doing to her? Do you have any idea who she is—?"

Pushing myself into a sitting position, I smirked. "Worry not. It is a natural reaction to have anger when you have fear. A dog will always fear those who are an alpha." Dabbing at the corner of my lip, I saw it came away bloody. "Our races never did get along." I licked the blood off of my hand.

Rin pulled me up to my feet, and then stood in front of the warrior crossing her arms, glaring. If she stomped her foot she would have looked just like my old nursemaid when I was but a child, I thought with a faint smile.

"You will treat her as the royalty she is and the noble I am. Take her to the Headmasters, but I forewarn you. Do not anger her or enrage her. Insane she may be, but fire is what you shall have under your backside," she said smartly and turned away from him.

She took my hands in hers and I noticed how they trembled. "Just listen and say nothing they should not know. And you might want to try and do something with your hair; it is a mess. I'll be waiting for you." And this is how I found myself being walked through the gigantic arched hallways towards the heart of the palace.

When they stopped before two giant arched doors, they ushered me forward. I dug my feet into the ground. I wouldn't be forced.

"You may release me unless you want to be missing a hand," I hissed. Just the touch of a man's hand on my body brought the edge of my sanity crashing over into nothingness. They will do nothing to me here. These people are not Black Bloods, I killed all of them.

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