Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I headed back to my room from the council office after yet another meeting. I'd had enough of being told what to do and being told what I am. I just wanted to go back to my bed in my room and sleep.

A shout came from the top of the stairs. I looked up in time to see Night almost flying down them at me. His books and papers were going in every which direction, and it made it look like he came out of a cloud of paper.

I sidestepped just as he flew by me landing with a hard thud on the landing.

"That looks like it hurt," I said with a small grin as I continued up the stairs, stepping over papers and passing students who were too busy trying to assist Night to notice me.

Heartless, aren't you? came a voice.

I spun around to look to see who had said it. None of the students were even focused on me, let alone seemed to have said anything. I turned back and continued on my way to the room. I reached the room without issue.

No one was there.

I waked to my bed and laid down.

Tired, young princess? The voice came again.

"Who are you?" I shouted, sitting upright.

The better question is who are you? asked the voice.

"Answer me, coward!" I shouted, now standing.

I'd keep my voice down if I were you. Wouldn't want to others to think you're crazy, the voice said mockingly.

"They already do," I grumbled but complied.

"Now who are you?"

I am Hedan.

"I know you're hidden. Why don't you show yourself and tell me your name," I said, growing increasingly agitated.

I cannot reveal myself, but I said my name was Hedan, not hidden.

"Oh," I said, falling for a simple mispronunciation.

And you, Hazelin, are my queen, Hedan said submissively.

"Your queen?" I asked, curious, "My kingdom died when the Black Bloods attacked."

It is far from dead, Hedan retorted, and your people far from disloyal. We know of the destruction of the Black Bloods, and I carry a warning.

"And that would be?" I asked when he was silent for a minute.

The Black Bloods are not yet dead, he said right behind me. I spun around and jumped back with a shout.

Standing there was a man. About my height and build, he was built well, lean. He had a look in his eyes that reminded me of the dragon in the tapestry and he held himself like a child about to be scolded, though he looked at me from under his hair.

His hair was an odd color of deep blue that fell to his waist pin straight and his skin was a fair milky complexion that seemed to scream nobility.

"And they want revenge for the death of their brothers," he said ominously.

"What do you..." I started to ask before a knock on the door drew my attention.

"You in there, Hazelin?" asked Rin.

I looked back in the direction of Hedan, but he was gone.

"Yeah," I said back, weary, looking away from where Hedan had been standing. The only thing that remained was a flower, which was the same color as his hair, resting next to the pillow.

"You okay?" Rin asked opening the door.

I jumped slightly and nodded at her. "I guess," I said. "It's just been an interesting day is all."

"Well, to add to it," Rin said, pulling me toward the door, "it seems Night took a spill and is in the medical ward with a dislocated knee and a bit of internal trauma."

"I should care why?" I asked.

"They say it wasn't the fall that dislocated it," she said, casting a side glance at me, "they say someone hit his leg and that did it."

"And the question still stands," I said.

"Dare wants to see you," Rin finally sighed.

"What!" I shouted, stopping both me and Rin.

"He thinks it was me?"

"Night keeps saying your name." Rin looked at me, concerned, "He keeps saying that the last he remembered was falling down the stairs and you."

"Yeah," I said, "he nearly landed on me."

"Well, you'll have to explain to Dare, because he wanted to see you and he is not happy." I swallowed and we continued in a quicker pace.

"You're telling me that you have no idea what happened?" Dare said, still fuming. "Yes," I said, looking at Night who had finally come to his senses after about an hour of Dare scolding me. "I came around the corner, heard him shout and stepped out of the way as he flew at me."

Dare stared at me for a minute before Night said, "It's true, Dare. I was falling and the last thing was Hazelin stepping to the side, and then nothing."

"You're lucky to be alive," Dare said, looking at him. "We wouldn't have to worry as much if she had at least caught you."

"I'm not catching the slimy bastard that is trying to tamper with my feelings."

"Oh, come on Hazelin," Night said. "I have done nothing of the sort."

"Forgive me if I fail to believe you," I said and turned to walk out.

"Hold on," Dare said, grabbing my shoulder.

I turned on him with a snarl. "We are done here!"

With that, I walked out. Rin and Ellie were outside the ward waiting, both looking concerned. I indicated for them to follow me, and we made our way to a secluded part of the inner courtyard. There, I explained what had happened in our room after Night nearly leveled me.

"And you don't know him?" Rin asked.

"No," I said, "but you both know what I am, and he had the look of a dragon in his eyes."

"It is entirely possible that he could have survived the Black Bloods' attack," Ellie said, "and if what he said is true, then your people survived. That makes you are the rightful heir, and the college is soon to be in trouble."

I nodded as Rin gave Ellie an odd look. "This conversation never happened," I said as a squire spotted us and started to run our way with an armful of books.

"For you, Mistress Hazelin," the squire said. "The council said that these are to be yours for your classes."

"Joy," I said, taking the books from him.

"Have a nice day," he bowed, turned, and left.

"What have you got?" Rin asked.

"I hope you got a class with me," Ellie beamed, her facade now dominant.

"It seems to be a fair amount of things," I said as Rin flinched away from Ellie.

"Mastery against Dark Magic; Meditation on Life..."

"I have that," Ellie smiled.

"Controlling the Elements," I continued.

"I've got you there," Rin said.

"And Mythology and Anatomy of Creatures of the World."

"We have that," Ellie beamed, and Rin grumbled. I gave a half smile.

"Let's enjoy this while we can."

They nodded and we walked back to the room to grab and drop off the items we needed to. It seemed as if Hedan had disappeared, but I had the feeling that that wasn't the last I am to hear from him.

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