You're stuck now, no way to escape

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Note: Hello, everyone. Sorry for not updating yesterday. Got stuck up with work. This is a compensation for not updating yesterday.

From today, new chapters will be posted at the end of the day.

Recap : Yuvin Apologizes Agnes for the mistakes he did.

In the Anish home,

Yuvin placed a kiss on Agnes forehead.

"Let's go home," Yuvin suggested.

She nodded, and as their lips were about to meet.

Anish mistakenly knocks on the door.

"Are you okay, Agnes?" Anish asks, interrupting them.

They both come to their senses and separate.

Agnes rushes to open the door, while Yuvin silently curses Anish under his breath.

" Are you okay ? ", Anish was concerned.

"I've been accepted to Smitty University. We're going to work together," Agnes shares the good news, and they embrace.

"I knew you'd make it, Agnes," Anish hugs tightly, appreciating her.

"Will you be working there?" Yuvin asks Anish.

Anish replies " I already work there ".

"Okay, can you leave now? I still need a few minutes with my wife," Yuvin says coldly.

" Sure ", Anish said and left.

" Shall we go home? ", Yuvin asked.

She looks at her hand.

Yuvin couldn't shake the expectation that Agnes would choose to return home with him. Despite the warmth of her friendship with Anish, Yuvin hoped she would prioritize their relationship and accompany him back.

He silently yearned for her presence beside him, eager to continue building their life together.

"Why are you quiet?" He questions.

She shows her hand to him.

"What?" Yuvin asks. He had no idea about her thoughts.

"I want mom to give me bangles again," Agnes says.

Yuvin was taken aback.

"You are—" Yuvin begins to protest, attempting to knock her head lightly.

"You told me that you will do whatever I want," Agnes reminds him.

"I made a mistake by marrying you," Yuvin complains.

"You're stuck now, no way to escape," Agnes says with a smirk, enjoying irritating him.

"Bangles!" she shouts in his ear.

" Okay, you can get from her ", Yuvin says yes to her request.

" Then call them & inform ", she advises.

Yuvin understood that he had no other option than to obey his wife.

Yuvin takes out his mobile and calls Aarav.

"Are you calling mom?" she questions, holding onto him.

She tries to check his phone.

" Stop ", he pushes her.

Meanwhile, in the hall, Aarav was surprised to see a call from Yuvin.

"Yuvin is calling me!" Aarav exclaims as he answers the call.

"Hello, brother," Aarav greets happily.

"Put it on speaker mode," Yuvin instructs.

Aarav complies.

"I am bringing Agnes home. If possible, prepare the bangles," Yuvin says before ending the call.

Everyone rejoices upon hearing Yuvin's words.

" Mom, Yuvin told you to prepare bangles for his wife. He is speaking with you, mom ", Aarav was happy to see his brother speaking with his mother.

Roshni was happy.

"Thank you," Agnes pulls Yuvin's chin and smiles.

Yuvin chuckles.

" Shall we leave ? ", Yuvin questions.

"Let's go, help me pack my bags," she says.

Yuvin looks at her.

"Are you angry?" he asks.

"I was. But I put myself in your shoes and realized how much you respect Dadi. So I was okay. I waited for you.

Mom and Dad visited me and told me how much you respect Dadi. They said you would come to pick me up and apologized. Now you've come and even spoke with your brother for me. I'm good," she says.

Yuvin smiles and says, "Let's go."

They leave the room.

" Are you going to live with him again? ", Anish questions Agnes.

Anish couldn't hide his disappointment as he watched Agnes choose to leave with Yuvin.

Despite his concerns about their relationship, he had hoped she would see through Yuvin's flaws and prioritize her own happiness.

" Yes, I am going home with him. Think about the time you spent with Aishu. Marry her soon," she advises.

"You're making a mistake by trusting him," Anish reminds her. He was not worried about the second half of the statement she told.

"No relationship is perfect. If he can love his Dadi so much, I'm sure he'll love me too," Agnes defends Yuvin.

"Some people," Anish tries to say.

" Even you are breaking Aishu heart 1000 times. Still she is with you hoping you will hear her heart atleast once. Give that chance to her ", Agnes constantly reminds about Aishu.

" He is not worthy, Agnes. Don't try to divert the topic ", Anish said angrily.

"I've told you a hundred times. I can't hear anything against him...bye," Agnes cuts him off.

Yuvin feels like he has won a race against Anish.

Seeing her walk away with Yuvin stirred a sense of frustration within him, knowing that he couldn't sway her decision and fearing the potential consequences of her choice.

With a heavy heart, he resigned himself to the reality that Agnes had made her decision, even if it meant enduring further disappointment in the future.

.In the car,

Yuvin questions her, "Why did you stay here?"

"This is my second home. I spend a lot of time here," Agnes answers.

"Why?" Yuvin asks, intrigued.

"He is my best friend," she explains.

"What about his parents?" Yuvin inquires further.

"He lost his mother at a very young age, and his father abandoned him when he was around 7 or 8. Then, we never met his father. My father was his guardian," Agnes completes the picture.

Yuvin feels a pang of sympathy for Anish.

"Is he your brother?" he asks.

"Nope," she replies with a smile, then turns away.

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