I can't see anyone beyond Agnes

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Recap: Yuvin enjoys time with his brothers and tries to mend the relationship.

Meanwhile, Anish and Aishu were spotted waiting for the lawyer.

"Anish, have you talked to Agnes?" Aishu inquired.

"She called me an hour ago," Anish replied.

"Did you inform her that we're here at the lawyer's office to proceed with her divorce?" Aishu pressed.

"I don't believe it's necessary," Anish responded.

"What were you thinking, Anish? You're here to file for Agnes's divorce. She should be informed. How could you proceed without notifying her?" Aishu questioned.

Anish's frustration bubbled to the surface as Aishu insisted on the importance of informing Agnes before proceeding with the divorce process.

Despite Aishu's reasoning, Anish's resolve remained steadfast, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he grappled with the complexities of his situation.

"She mentioned this before the wedding. She expressed her intention to file for divorce within six months and finalize it within a year. So, if we initiate the process now, we can meet that timeline," Anish explained.

" But now we don't know how she is living with him. She might even find comfort in his company ", Aishu said.

" Did you forget? He made her cry on the second day of their wedding. How can you think he will take care of her? ", Anish seethed.

Aishu's irritation grew palpable as Anish stubbornly stood by his decision to file for divorce without consulting Agnes first.

Each word he spoke only fueled her frustration, as she struggled to comprehend his unilateral approach to such a significant matter.

The weight of his determination felt suffocating, leaving Aishu feeling unheard and disregarded.

Despite her attempts to reason with him, Anish's stern resolve only served to deepen her sense of irritation, creating a rift between them as they navigated the turbulent waters of their familial bond.

The lawyer, a close friend of Anish and Agnes, entered the room carrying some papers.

"Anish, we can't proceed like this. The person filing for divorce needs to be present. I've known you and Agnes for many years. I don't want her to suffer needlessly. I'll prepare the documents and handle the necessary procedures. Once everything's ready, I'll share the documents with her. She needs to review, sign, and return them to me in person. Only then I will move forward," the lawyer, Carol, advised.

"Thank you, Carol. She will be here to handover the documents so please proceed ", Anish expressed his gratitude & request.

Afterward, they both left the room.

Aishu couldn't help but wonder how Agnes would react to the news once she found out.

She knew her sister's temperament well enough to anticipate a range of emotions—anger, confusion, perhaps even betrayal.

Aishu couldn't shake off the gnawing worry for her sister's well-being, uncertain of how Agnes would navigate this unexpected turn of events.

"I'll give you a ride to the office," Anish offered.

"I need to talk to you, Anish," Aishu said.

He nodded in response.

"What plans do you have for our life?" she asked.

"I've told you a thousand times. There's no 'us' between us. It's always been either you or me," Anish replied.

"I love you so much, Anish. I've waited for you for the past eight years. Can't you see my love? Please accept me " Aishu pleaded.

"I've been waiting for Agnes since the day I understood what love meant. I can't forget her, Aishu. Once she divorces Yuvin, we'll get married. She's the only one who can be my wife. I can only love her," Anish explained.

"Anish, please don't do this to me. I'm in a difficult situation. My stepmom is arranging my marriage with her brother," Aishu confessed.

"What can I do about it? If you're okay with it, marry him. Otherwise, tell them," Anish replied ruthlessly.

"You're willing to sacrifice for Agnes, who's living well. But you won't even lend a hand to me, who's suffocating," she said, tears streaming down her face.

"I can't see anyone beyond my family. I mean Agnes," Anish defended.

"For the time being, allow me to stay at your home. Tell my stepmom you love me and take me in. I'll leave once I receive my salary, which my company has been holding for the past three months. Please," she pleaded.

"I'm sorry. What would others say if I live with you when I'm planning to marry Agnes?" Anish explained.

"You're heartless, Anish," she cried.

"I didn't deceive you. I told you from day one that I wouldn't be right for you," Anish said.

"Yes, it's always my mistake," Aishu lamented.

"Come on, I'll drop you at the office. Everyone's watching," he said.

"I can go by myself," she said, walking away.

Aishu's heart sank as Anish firmly declared that he couldn't allow her to stay in his home.

She felt a wave of betrayal wash over her, realizing that despite her love and devotion, he prioritised societal judgment over her well-being.

She couldn't comprehend how Anish could turn his back on her when she needed him the most, and the realization stung deeply, reinforcing her sense of worthlessness and insignificance in his eyes.

With a heavy heart, Aishu resolved to face her challenges alone, resigned to the fact that she couldn't rely on Anish for support or understanding.

She decided that Anish is not part of her life anymore.

On the other side,

Yuvin stood in the presentation area.

"I have an important announcement to make," he declared.

All eyes turned toward him.

"Moving forward, if I am attending any meetings at client locations, there's no need for the client to arrange accommodation for me.

Yesterday, Florida Industries provided a room for me. However, after discovering they also arranged a woman to greet me with her innerwear, and to make matters worse, my wife witnessed it all, I've decided to forego any accommodations arranged by clients," Yuvin explained.

"Why?" Aarav questioned.

"Numerous incidents like this have occurred in the past. Each time, I contemplated severing ties with the client," Yuvin continued, shocking everyone present.

"I recently got married, and I felt it necessary to address this matter," he concluded, his tone resolute.

"From now on, if an incident like this repeats, I will make it headline news. Prithvi Groups and all its affiliated companies will not work with Florida Industries under any circumstances," Yuvin declared firmly.

"Even Malhotra will not work with Florida," Suman added, standing in support of his brother's decision.

Yuvin was pleasantly surprised by his brother's immediate alignment with his stance, prompting a smile from him.

"Look, he's smiling at us," Aarav remarked, noticing Yuvin's expression.

Suman was surprised.

Later, as Yuvin passed by the photo booth, Aarav called out, "Brother, join us."

Yuvin paused, considering the invitation.

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