Nothing can compete with my wife

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Notes: Hi everyone, sorry for the delay. Due to some personal reasons, I took a break.

Recap: Yuvin noticed Agnes was sad and took her drive. During their drive, Yuvin learned about Agnes's conversation with Rachel.

On the road,

Agnes spoke up, saying, "Rachel advised me to leave you. She claimed you're not good, and that Ria and Sara are pretending you are, despite knowing your true nature. She warned me of consequences if I stayed with you."

Yuvin was taken aback, shocked by Agnes's revelation.

"So you were sad due to the conversation with her ", Yuvin declared.

Agnes smiled.

"Do you believe her words?" Yuvin inquired.

"I'm not someone who easily believes others' words. However, her words made me uncomfortable," Agnes admitted honestly.

Yuvin fell silent for a few moments as Agnes looked at him.

He was looking at the steering.

"Are... are you... Y... Are you planning to leave me?" Yuvin asked, his voice wavering with concern.

Agnes chuckled.

"Why would I tell you the truth if I planned to leave you?" she replied.

Yuvin nodded, visibly relieved. He adjusted her hair and said.

"Agnes, regardless of what others may say, always remember there are two sides to every story. Please don't make any decisions without hearing my side," he implored.

Agnes noticed the hurt in his eyes and reached out to hold his hand.

As Agnes observed the sadness in Yuvin's eyes, a pang of sorrow gripped her own heart.

His pain mirrored her own, intensifying her sense of empathy.

In that moment, her own concerns faded into insignificance as her sole focus became easing Yuvin's burden and bringing a glimmer of joy back into his eyes.

He looked at her, his expression softening.

"I want to be with you. Our marriage may have its challenges, but I'm not giving up easily," Agnes declared firmly.

As Agnes affirmed her commitment to their relationship, a wave of relief washed over Yuvin, soothing the knots of worry that had tightened in his chest.

Her words were like a balm to his troubled mind, offering reassurance and stability in the face of uncertainty.

In that moment, he allowed himself to exhale deeply, feeling a sense of relaxation settle over him as he embraced the strength of their bond.

"Thank you," Yuvin responded gratefully.

Agnes smiles.

"She is your brother's fiancee. Why would she speak ill of you? Is there something I should know?" Agnes inquired, her concern evident.

Yuvin took a deep breath and turned to Agnes, saying, "Once we reach home, I'll explain the reason behind Rachel's words."

She smiled and nodded in understanding as Yuvin started the car.

"Yuvin, take your time. Share about Rachel when you feel comfortable," she reassured him.

He smiled gratefully and replied, "Thanks."

After some time,

Agnes spotted a roadside mushroom shop and exclaimed, "Yuvin, stop stop!"

He halted the car abruptly.

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