We want to make her happy

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Hello everyone. Sorry for the delay. Got held up in an upcoming puja celebration.

Recap: Agnes requested Yuvin to take her for a business meeting in Jaipur.

In the Malhotra mansion,

Agnes is spotted making her way to the terrace, trailed by two individuals.

Though Agnes senses a presence behind her, upon turning, she finds nothing.

Agnes's heart raced as she felt a presence trailing her steps, sending shivers down her spine.

Each footfall echoed in the empty corridor, amplifying her sense of dread. Despite her efforts to shake off the feeling, an eerie sensation lingered, compelling her to quicken her pace.

With each glance over her shoulder, she half-expected to confront the unknown figure lurking in the shadows.

She took deep breaths to calm herself, rationalizing that despite the presence of numerous workers in the mansion, there was no real threat to her safety within its walls. Yet, an unshakeable sense of fear persisted within her.

Ria and Sara are revealed as the ones following her.

Observing her heading towards the terrace, they decided to join her to discuss a pressing matter.

However, they harbored concerns about Yuvin's potential reaction upon encountering them with her, prompting them to stealthily follow in her footsteps.

"Agnes," they call out in husky voices.

Agnes fastened her pace.

" "Stop," they said, their hands landing on her shoulders.

Agnes screamed in fear, only to feel a wave of relief wash over her as she realized it was them who had been following her.

"Oh my god. You scared me," Agnes says, patting her heart.

Ria laughs.

"Mr. Malhotra is your husband. Why worry? He'll move mountains if anything happens to you," Sara reassures Agnes.

Ria and Sara giggle.

" That Malhotra is not a god... stop praising him," she responds.

Everyone laughs.

"Why are you following me like this?" Agnes asks them.

"We don't want Yuvin to know that we are talking to you. He might get angry again," Ria shares the concern.

"He told me that I can speak with anyone. So don't follow me like this," she requests.

"We've come to discuss an important matter," Ria says directly instead of beating around the bush.

"What's that?" Agnes asks.

"We have a business meetup in Jaipur. I hope you're aware of it," Sara says.

Agnes nods her head.

"Firstly, you have to accompany Yuvin to that meeting. Secondly, there will be an event and dinner on the last day. Yuvin has to join us for a family dinner and family photo," Ria concludes.

Agnes was shocked.

" "Why are you assigning so many tasks?" Agnes asks them.

"Agnes, I understand this is challenging, but I believe you can handle it," Sara replies.

"I'm going to Jaipur to be with Yuvin, so I agree to the first point. He's taking me there. However, I'm not sure if he'll want me to attend the event," Agnes responds.

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